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What changes does Yamaha need to make for 09?


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 16, 2003
Eastern Washington- Cheney
I bought one of the original 03 RX-1 Four Stroke Mountain sleds in August of 2002. This is my 6th season on the old girl and although the engine still runs like a top I think I'm about ready for a new sled. The impovements in engine and chassis technology has really captured my interest. I have been eyeballing the Nytro MTX, including your opinons and reports with great interest.

Maybe it's because the RX-1 was first real four stroke performance sled? Maybe it was because I (we as a RX-1 community) didn't want to be taken for fools. Maybe it was because we wanted to prove all the four stroke naysayers wrong but we put in an awful lot of work doing everything we could to make the RX-1 work in the mountains. It never really did become a great mountain sled but more accurately morfed into the Apex Mountain.

This time around I find myself a bit less interested in doing the R&D work for Yamaha to make their first year sled right. With that in mind, I have decided to wait a year this time before taking the plunge into a new snowmobile model.

Know that Yamaha reads your impressions and ideas doing what they can within their means (as long as the accountants don't kill the idea) to implement the changes you feel are necessary to make each subsequent year a better sled.

So guys in your opinon, what changes would you suggest Yamaha should make to the Nytro MTX for 2009 to make it an even more formidable mountain sled.


PS:I bleed Yamaha blue and all my riding gear proves it but, I sure LOVE the graphics of the 40th anniversary color scheme. I know the color will only be offered as a 2008 model. I have to wonder if would be worth waiting for a 2009 model to gain the upgrades or go ahead and buy a 2008 Anniversary model (I know where two are) when the prices drop later in the season.

Stiffer track that has tougher lugs that won't bend on hard packed? Not sure if that would be a good thing for my application or not - I'm not ripping lugs - yet.

Better cowling closure to keep the snow out of the engine compartment.

Hotter hand warmers.

Better exhaust shielding - sealed all the way around and vented away from cargo a little better.

Electronic adjustable suspension. Messing with tools while your track is jammed with ice isn't fun.

Better heat shielding to prevent the engine heat from creating ice buildup between the skid plate, belly pan and motor.

All black colour package.

I'm grasping at straws now. It is an amazing sled. I can't wait to do my video review.
handwarmers should be warmer
gas tank needs to be larger
stiffer track for riders who are not in 12ft of fluff
..other than that i love this sled
-153x15x2.25 challenger option
-Pre-filter on the sidepanel vents and hood openings
-Oil leak fix when on it's side
-better shock package for people who jump
-Better Boards incorporated(stock ones don't clean well)
-9 gal. gas tank
-RTX pivoting post (retarded that it didn't get put on the mountain sled)
-limiter strap lower cross shaft raised a hair so the track stops eating away at it
-idler wheel blocks changed(need to be solid inside, current design will bend the bolts under hard use)

The above would fix all the little issues with the MTX
Pretty much the same for me, more fuel capacity: less ice: better wind protection: seperate thumb, and hand warmer switches with heating elements that actually can keep your hands warm without running them at MAX: and lastly some type of rear seat storage.

Here are my thoughts in order of importance (to me).

1. Bigger fuel tank.
2. Camo extreme track. The maverick is as close to sucking as a track gets.
3. Better hand warmers AND handguards for more wind protection.
4. Better clutching (never going to happen from yammy)
5. Reduce snow build up in front end of sled.
6. Tunnel dumped exhaust (not likely to happen from factory)
7. Better tachometer.
8. Septerate the Grip and thumb warmer controls.

I think this list would finish up an already AWESOME sled.I am incredibly happy with my Nytro and can't say enough about how well it handles in the deep snow. e down for a visit and find out for yourself. ;)!
Wow, for a first year year sled that's not too bad!

The fuel tank size was a big detriment to me. I've got to be able to make it at least 100 miles (right Ray). So you think a 9 gallon tank would do it?

Yup, maybe a Camo Challenger with a 153 x 15 x 2.25" option and a 162 x 16 x 2.5" option would be nice. The 16" will fit, right? I know going to 16" wide made a HUGE differnece in the way my RX-1M floats in the deep stuff.

Yes, the under tunnel exhaust would be an awesome upgrade. It would save some weight too. It would eliminate some bracketry and shielding currently in use and allow a much smaller diameter (lighter) pipe in the tunnel. It makes so much sense and uses the snow inside the tunnel as a natural sound deadener. Also, with the tunnel extension available for use we'd have the option of hauling gas for our two stroke buddys.

What about the rear suspension drop down brackets and the rear bumper still being made of steel. Yes I know it's a Yamaha and they build them for the long haul but when you go to the trouble they have to lighten a sled why not take advantage of the easy opportunities for weight loss and make them out of aluminum from the factory?

How about some fairly rigid factory installed hand guards. I'd like the kind from motocross bikes that clamp to the bars on the inside and go into the bar ends on the outside so they would actually protect my hands from branches.

Remember, Yamaha is listening........................

I concur with:

Track optioins of the challenger in 153 and 162 lengths, 16 wide might be nice.
RTX Steering post, why they did ours this way I have no idea.
Better exhaust so we can use the rear for gear/gas without buying exhaust turnouts or different exhausts.

My additions:
Smaller rear light with wiring running under tunnel
Fox Float options for the shocks all around
Make the tunnel look a bit more sporty, mostly its the angle the boards run at :p
Yamaha for all its mountain sleds needs to wise up and give people more track options. 151/153 and 162 need to be options. You are so limited when buying a yamaha. You get either a 162 590lb 150hp beast that the apex is. Or you get a 153, 525lb 138hp sled that the Nytro Mountain is.

More options, yamaha. I dont know anyone with a nytro who still has the 153 on it. Everyone ive seen moved to a 162. Maybe yamaha will see this.
I would rather see a 144 than a 162. Not everybody needs the longest track made. Some of us like an all around sled that can bang jumps and shred powder. I would never go longer than the 153 and if Yamaha would have offered a 144 I would have bought it.

Frostbite, I average 8 mpg riding hard, so it would take a 12 gal. tank to make a 100 miles for me. I just mentioned 9 because that would be enough for me 99% of the time.
Yikes, 8 miles a gallon x 7.4 gallons. That's less than 60 miles on a tank. That just won't work for me.

What about the super tall tunnel? Is it really needed? Does it help in any way? Why can't the Nytro MTX tunnel look like other mountain sled tunnels? There's a couple pounds of weight savings right there if they tapered the tunnel.

Does the Nytro MTX have bent up rails in the rear? If not, would that be nice to have?

Is the stock power level ok? It sounds like there's plenty of torque but is there enough power available to satisfy most of you?

