What color sidewinder you want in 2018

It would be nice to have a snowchek program as polaris did for 2017....
A couple coulour choice, and built your own as you want!
Tab ,spindle ,rails ,sticker pkg or not , hood ,side panels,seat colour and models ltx or xtx type, body pan etc etc.......
it's a slow day on the Sidewinder front. Figured I'd post these here instead of starting a new thread. Anybody interested in painting the nose blue here's a quick mock up. Apologies for the quality... I emphasize "Quick"!
LTX LE blue nose.jpg
Sidewinder frontview.jpg
i would expect the Black and Red on the Vipers to move to the Winders, unless Yamaha wants the winders to be easily identifiable think about the doo Freerides. But i also like the anniversary yellow and black they have on the ATVs and think it could look good on a sled.
Since I ordered a Red & White 2017...........I hope all the 2018's are ugly :)
If history repeats itself, 2nd year sleds will be in bad #*$&@ colors
I hope so murdered137 I just sold my viper for a 2018 I hope all works out well for the sidewinder.
