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What parts can we buy now?


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Dec 30, 2009
Upstate NY
Hey guys what parts do we know for a fact that work on the viper and sidewinder that we can purchase while we wait all summer?

That's a very good question.
Wow all I can think of is DuPont Slides,Wheel Kit,Skis and maybe tunnel bag.
That's a great start,but for me I have to add taller shield and mirrors plus your list lol.
There has just been so many changes that most things for Viper may not work! You Sidewinder guys definitely have a NEW sled!
Taller riser for the "stand up" riders.
Is the Viper mountain riser block longer than the standard Viper block?
And when will the accessory catalog be available?
dealers got an e mail with some of the accessories for the sw .bags,shields,bumpers ,front protectors,covers .
got my dupont slides,studs/plates ,jt wheel kit . bag,shield ,flotation plate on order ,
Talked with dealer today. He's still waiting for information. Said the parts rep told him it would be awhile yet. Even said they could change their minds on the belt yet! Dealer told me not to plan on getting stuff until August.
