What supercharger kit is this ?

Thanks Kinger! I just got the new plugs in it, (fouled in garage, too many beer starts). We got about 20" of snow here and its all going to be gone by Saturday unfortunately, but I got the sled out in the field behind my house and o m g. The sled is just wild. I cant believe I haven't owned one of these before lol. The sound is incredible as well.

I'm not sure if the chains been replaced before or not, but the chain case oil was done. That's good to know, around here the trails usually get beat up pretty quick so lots of mogul pounding.

This is the most fun sled I've ever rode by far! Cannot wait for the season to start.

Lets see some skis in the air!

Lets see some skis in the air!

Lets see some skis in the air!
haha, I should of taken some pics, I rode it for about 20 mins this morning before the 30mm of rain and +14 were about to get:o|. Cant wait till we get more snow. I cant believe this power!
