Which powderhound?

Thanks for the pass Mooseman. In fact my dealer said he could get in a C&A mounting kit that would work sooner so that is what I have, pn 76000282. It worked slick without modification, said Nytro/Phazer on the package.
The C&A mount on the PH's? That's good to know! If going often in deep pow, the 8" are the way to go.
For those of you who use the Yamaha VK or MTX skis on your VL, is it just a straight ski swap or is there extra hardware to get? This site is great. I have a VL since it came out and learned more about improvement I can make to it in the last week that my head is spinning. Bought a 2011 Phaser RTX this last week as well.
Should be a straight swap from one Yami ski to another.
Thanks Mooseman. Are the VK and MTX the same and if different which would you suggest for non mountain, off trail riding. No 3ft of powder excursions.
AFAIK, no. The VK never really steered well and I have no experience with the MTX but most people like them.
