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Why does everyone make such a big deal about sled weight?

The reason the other guys make such a big deal about it is because it's the only negative they can find :D

The real question should be this, why can't my buddies 800 REV that's about the same HP kill me seeing that he's 100 pounds lighter (sled that is) :lol:

I must say I CAN see the difference on the speedo and I think I notice a slight difference in other situations as well.

The Warrior on the same stretch of trail 20 minutes apart between near
empty and full, was 5 KM/hr slower on a full tank of fuel than it was
before I filled it. [159 kph vs 164 kph on the dream meter in the same
distance] That was in loose snow on a groomed trail.

I think I notice a slight difference in center of gravity with a full
tank but would not swear to it. Sled seems slightly more tippy with a
full tank to me.

Also in moderate speed running [120 to 140 kph] on a wide open trail
in the somewhat junky state, the Warrior seems a little more stable to
me with a full tank than with an empty tank. However the Warrior is so
stable at speed it is hard to say for sure.

Weight can be your friend depending on the tyoe of riding you do. Do I
want my 380 lb El Tigre 5000 back, a light F6, my 96 Ultra or numerous
700 V-Maxes? Not a chance. This 600 lb beast is the best sled I have
ever had for high mileage trail riding and moderate off trail powder.

An interesting thing about speed is that one minute to the next, you can't always get the same speed. If enough time has passed that you have an appreciably different amount of gas in the sled, then all bets are off.

On my lake, I can see about 5 kph faster going EAST than WEST - its *consistent* when done back-to-back. Funny thing is that it seems like ALL sleds experience this... not just BOTH of mine.
Thats pretty freaky LB.

We have "Magnetic Hill" here in New Brunswick where if you stop your car, put it in neutral it will coast up hill. [ or so it appears]

Never heard of that with a lake before though.

You damn Upper Canadians are always trying to out do us Maritimers though.
LB, they of course will go faster going east, they think they are going home. Just like a horse. If you are using a gps for speed, wouldn't that make since with the earths rotation?
LazyBastard said:
An interesting thing about speed is that one minute to the next, you can't always get the same speed. If enough time has passed that you have an appreciably different amount of gas in the sled, then all bets are off.

On my lake, I can see about 5 kph faster going EAST than WEST - its *consistent* when done back-to-back. Funny thing is that it seems like ALL sleds experience this... not just BOTH of mine.

LB, it's probably just the prevailing wind. Think about it, it wouldn't take much wind speed at all to make a difference. If the wind is WITH you at 5 mph going east, and AGAINST you at 5 mph going west that's a 10 mph difference, and that could easily account for 5 kph of top speed on your sled or anybody else's for that matter.
That would be my thought too, but it happens consistently regardless of wind speed. I believe that its something to do with the *drift* of the snow. Different pack pattern causes more resistance when running *against* the drift than with. Once the snow has settled, then even packing it down will not change the crystal orientation.
LB - This is a little far out: Have you ever been to Cape Kennedy in Florida watching the shuttle take off. It always takes off to the east to take advantage of the earths rotation. Could this be true even when sledding :?: :lol: I think I'll have to start riding to the east for top end. For some reason I've always been testing top speed going to the north or south...... Could there be any other reason that you and others are going faster when going to the east?
OK I got it, for best speed first rub the crystal ball, ride to the east only and hope for the best :lol:

You can tell the snow is gone in many areas :!:
Yes, takes advantage of Earth's rotation, but not in the way you think! Due to the direction of rotation, weather tends to move east, WIND moves east (thats why space shuttles launch east - to be blown along - the wind is MUCH stronger as you gain altitude), and therefore, snow DRIFTS east.

Look at the drift patterns on a lake some time, with light enough snow and enough wind, you will get WAVES, which move up smoothly towards the east, then drop. You run WEST, and you'll be trying to drive THROUGH the waves instead of OVER them. With a smoother lake, you still have the same drift patterns, just not so extreme - the effect is the same, just not as strong.
rxrider said:
LB - This is a little far out: Have you ever been to Cape Kennedy in Florida watching the shuttle take off. It always takes off to the east to take advantage of the earths rotation.

The shuttle takes off to the east just in case of an accident were to happen, the rocket wouldn't drop on populated land areas in Florida. It would fall in the water, such as what happened in 1986.
Years ago,we had a magnetic hill like yours down near Waterdown, Ontario. Instead of a tourist attraction, it was paved over with new houses! That's how smart we Upper Canadians are.
As for the weight issue, it really depends what you're used to riding.
Coming off a piped and tweaked 700 SX, I'm making a huge adjustment in riding style.
With lots of transfer and traction, the SX was a hoot to rip thru the woods, lift the skiis, impress the sno-bunnies, etc., because it was so agile and aerial, like a YZ dirt bike.
I don't expect the RX-1 to do this, but it compensates in otherways.
Told the wife that as a more...ahem...mature rider, she should expect more of a 'Goldwing' rider.
I don't miss the noise, I don't miss buying oil or smelling it.
I don't miss hi-compression pull starting.
It always draws admiring looks, even from those jealous jerks who can't find anything except weight to snipe at.
........AND IT'LL POSITIVELY STROKE THE OLD SX OUT ON THE LAKE!!!.........................oops!
piped800xc said:
LazyBastard, are you by chance related to Cliff Clayvin?

He just has to add "It's a little known fact...." before every post and you're spot on. :p
