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Never intended for it to sound that way, sorry stopdropanroll!! Very jealous of your first ride! Can't wait to get mine out on the snow! 4 stroke power is very different from 2 stroke, at least the feel of it anyway! My wife has a different brand of 4 stroke and I even love the feel of that one and by no means does that compare to an engine that Yammi puts together! Best 4 stroker on the snow! Glad to hear your initial reports are so positive! ;)!
Blue 4's Rule said:
Never intended for it to sound that way, sorry stopdropanroll!! Very jealous of your first ride! Can't wait to get mine out on the snow! 4 stroke power is very different from 2 stroke, at least the feel of it anyway! My wife has a different brand of 4 stroke and I even love the feel of that one and by no means does that compare to an engine that Yammi puts together! Best 4 stroker on the snow! Glad to hear your initial reports are so positive! ;)!

No worries mate, just clownin around. :jump:
Daranello said:
The only thing my old F7 was good at, was blowing belts

I honestly thought my F7 was a pretty good machine, maybe in 2006 they finally got it right, it was Fast, reliable, and fun to ride ( once I studded it and put good ski's on it) but the gas and oil was really starting to piss me off :o| and my days of draging a sled aroud and yanking a pull cord were getting to there wits end, so since I ride with a bunch of Yamihead's I took the leap to BLUE, I used to bleed GREEN but when they released the F-series I gave up on the Ditch Pickles.....Hope I love this sled as much as my wallet hates it.

Blue 4's Rule said:
When on earth are people gonna stop posting about this top end garbage!! I believe that very little will stay with this sled up to 90mph because they are lightening fast out of the hole and pull really hard all the way through but this was never designed to be a high mph lake runner!! It pretty much caps out at the C note!! Any 800cc 2 smoke or an Apex for that matter will go beyond that so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out! If you're talking about a measured off drag strip then that may be a different story. In that distance it could go either way! I'm not venting at all, it's just getting a wee bit tiring! If beating your buddy was such a big deal then that should have been taken into consideration before the sled was purchased!

With that said, I envy stopdropanroll's excitement!! Can't wait to get decent snow out here!


I agree. Its not ment to be a lake racer without any help. But that doesn't bother me one bit. I too came off a F7 sno pro. That thing was a dog compared to my Nytro. I reced both sleds a ton of times with the Nytro coming out on top. Now I must admitt, I haven't raced my Nytro against other sleds. Well accept my buddies MXZ X 600 sdi, but that was no match. I creamed him in every race and even with a head start.

You'll be happy to know that I put on 2600 miles with no blown belts. I think I had 3-4 blown belts by the time I reached 2500 miles on my F7. Plus the sled still looks like showroom condition after the 1st season. No black belly pans on the Nytro, unlike my orange F7.
Man, I can't wait to get on mine! I'm coming off a '03 RX-1 that was actually pretty fast. I can't believe how much lighter this sled feels. I was able to lift the front end by the bumper almost 2 feet in the air to get it on blocks for my skid plate install. No way I could have done that with the RX-1.
sd5500 said:
Man, I can't to get on mine! I'm coming off a '03 RX-1 that was actually pretty fast. I can't believe how much lighter this sled feels. I was able to lift the front end by the bumper almost 2 feet in the air to get it on blocks for my skid plate install. No way I could have done that with the RX-1.

Wow .. your in for a treat...
Not to be a jerk but what kind of trails do you have where 2.5" of snow is enough to run a sled? Again, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but up here we currently have quite a bit for November. I'd estimate 24" with no base and I have to be super careful not to hit rocks, spark my skags, watch out for underbrush and definitely not spin my track for fear of damaging paddles.

I'm wondering if some of the posts I read about premature hyfax wear are from locations that don't receive a lot of snow but as a resident they don't realize that?

I want to add the pluses of owning a Yamaha that I've too never blown a belt. Last season I tortured an OEM belt for 60+ miles in a cross country race when I split open my belly pan and the clutches were packed with snow and the belt slipped so bad that the motor bounced off the rev limiter time after time. I finished 6th in my class and the belt was worn super thin but it never blew!
AKrider said:
I'm wondering if some of the posts I read about premature hyfax wear are from locations that don't receive a lot of snow but as a resident they don't realize that?

I use groomed trails very little, so there needs to be a good base down before I do any amount of riding.

I went through 2 sets of sliders in 750 miles before I put on an extra set of wheels. It wasn't low snow conditions that wore mine out.
AKrider said:
Not to be a jerk but what kind of trails do you have where 2.5" of snow is enough to run a sled? Again, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but up here we currently have quite a bit for November. I'd estimate 24" with no base and I have to be super careful not to hit rocks, spark my skags, watch out for underbrush and definitely not spin my track for fear of damaging paddles.

I'm wondering if some of the posts I read about premature hyfax wear are from locations that don't receive a lot of snow but as a resident they don't realize that?

I want to add the pluses of owning a Yamaha that I've too never blown a belt. Last season I tortured an OEM belt for 60+ miles in a cross country race when I split open my belly pan and the clutches were packed with snow and the belt slipped so bad that the motor bounced off the rev limiter time after time. I finished 6th in my class and the belt was worn super thin but it never blew!

Hey I never said I rode any trails, I have been stairing at this thing for almost three months, I have not givin into any grass thatching that I normally do in the fall, so when we got enough snow to lube the hi-fax I toke it for a rip, and if this thing cant handle a little low snow rippin then I better find a new sled. I only put 3.2 miles on so its not like I went for a day trip. K ;):D
AKrider said:
Not to be a jerk but what kind of trails do you have where 2.5" of snow is enough to run a sled? Again, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but up here we currently have quite a bit for November. I'd estimate 24" with no base and I have to be super careful not to hit rocks, spark my skags, watch out for underbrush and definitely not spin my track for fear of damaging paddles.

AKrider, we got a little teaser of snow here in Southern Wisconsin Sunday night into Monday morning. Anywhere from 2-5" depending on where we live. No trails are open, just messing around in the yards & harvested bean fields. I too was out for about an hour around my neighborhood testing out my "new/used" ZRT.

I contemplated getting out the FX, but just couldn't help myself. The ZRT felt strong 'till I fired up the FX. IMO, the only other stock sled that will give an FX Nytro a run for it's money in acceleration is going to be the Z1 Turbo.

Added 4 miles to the clock, so a total of 78 miles on the FX!!

BTW, AKrider all our half-assed rideable snow was gone the same day it fell.
It looks like alot of people are mentioning blown belts on brand X. I believe one of the reasons this happens so much is the way the other mfgs. machine their primary clutch faces for the overdrive effect where the belt does go all the way to the top of the clutch sheaves on wide open runs. If you notice the Yamaha's won't go all the way to the top. If you look at any Yamaha with some miles on it you can see the area at the top of the sheaves has a different coloration on that top 1/4" of the clutch. I have tried the overdrive sheaves on one of my Yamaha's and I didn't find any appreciable top end difference. So kudos to Yamaha for doing this to save on belts that climb over the top.
I too had to break in the grass with the 2" snow we got. Felt good and I found a potential issue with my new XTX before finding it up north on the first trip. Nothing big but was able to get it rectified in the comfort of my shop instead of the freezing cold trailer in a parking lot. There is some good shake down things that can come from a blast around the house. I am still not sure the XTX is as strong as my 05 RX1 but it felt pretty darn good! Wifes phazer is a hoot. First ride on that one as well.
