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Yamaha Race department input. Read Below


TY 4 Stroke Master
Aug 14, 2008
Shoreview MN
Yamaha has asked to me give them a list of concerns for racing the Phazer. I will give them my list and requested changes. However since the engineers want to know. I called and asked them if they wanted your input. They said they would take it as well.

P.S. This will be going to Jesse Strege then to the engineers so please keep it professional


However they are asking. So go ahead and list things you would like to see changed. Please keep it reasonable and professional. i will edit them and send them in with my feedback from the last two years racing the sleds.

#1Lower Center of Gravity without loss of suspension.

Bumpsteer minimized

quiet lighter exhaust that performs better than stock

About 5-10hp more to start
Lose weight by switching more components out to aluminum, (Seat subframe, rear bumper, front bumper, etc) use the Nytro Rear Skid cause its tougher - in my experiece, put a modern secondary clutch on it, like other yamaha's, (parts interchangability) lower center of gravity/increase stability, add padding/comfort to the seat, Design an over the engine steering system like the Nytro to save weight and take out some slop, do I need to mention the ski's?, find a way to mount the exhaust to keep the donuts lasting longer than 5 minutes, (slight exageration) slightly more wind protection - although its not too bad with the GT wind deflectors added, maybe increased stator output for powering real handwarmers??? Thats a decent start. This little sled has soooo much potential!
Phazer improvements

More grease fittings

If they are not going to cover certain parts, bushings, etc., because of normal wear & tear, then make the parts a little better quality.

Better protection from the factory to prevent powder from blocking the radiator and getting into the steering, etc.

For racing the rear suspension needs to be changed and made lighter.

Better web support for the A-arms.

Service is pretty easy but very time consuming, overengineering is great if the product is better, but it's not. SIMPLIFY!!

Rear cooler instead would help balance the load a little better.
We really should get Yellowknife's input, he has vast knowledge on the Phazer.

1. Durability
a. An overhaul of the rear suspension would be a welcomed change rather than a slew of band-aids to address one problem, only to have the stresses transferred to another area. In addition, have the front scissor arm clear the side bulkhead plates to help expedite the rear suspension removal/insertion.
b. Steering helm joints and suspension ball joints need to be of better quality. These develop slack at an alarming rate.
c. A-Arm and ski spindle bushings also need a serviceable lubrication point or even a material that is oil impregnated to slow down their wear.
d. The front tube chassis needs better bracing as the A-Arm holes have a tendency to either wow out or tear out long before the bolts shear. Maybe even reduce the strength of the bolts from a grade 9 down to a grade 5 to help the bolts shear more readily.
2. Steering Input
a. The Caster and Camber angles need to be relaxed much in the same way the Nytro Fx’s were from MY 2008 to MY 2009.
b. Better Skis
3. Better Quality of Materials
a. The grade of the steel being used and the finishing process is far below the industry standard. The exposed steel components, even those that have been treated via paint or powder coating show excessive corrosion. I can’t imagine if the sled was ever left out or even towed in an open trailer.
Well its the race dept. so they are lookin at quick changes to make the sled competative. So for racing it needs a diet.

Now if they relay stuff too the production dept, this is what I would do:

1) Steering linkage! Espescially the dual pivots in the front. And yes make it greasable.
2) Get rid of the 14" track! Standardize all sleds to 15" wide! It isnt saving that much weight? Then us owners would have track options!
3) Better shocks and valving for the rear skid (get with the R&D motocross boys). And stronger and lighter componets through the whole skid.
4) Stronger subframe for the a-arms. And intergrate the subframe around the aluminum panels for protection. The aluminum side panels could be recessed into the subframe. This would give them there 1" up front to accomodate the standard 15" wide track.
5) Better clutches, period.
6) Close off the tunnel completely. And make it 1" wider for the 15" track.
7) Make The GT a 121", RTX a 136", M-Lite a 144"
8) Re-design the plastic around the bulkhead so it looks more like the Nytro. A even smooth look on both sides of the sled.
9) Mechanical reverse if you have to have one. Get rid of the electric servo or beef it up!
10) Full open running boards.

I know I am dreaming but this could be done at a modest price increase and still have a competative price with other manufactures in its class. My two cents. Or maybe its about 10 cents worth! LOL!!

MODERATOR EDIT: Thanks for your input :)
I have edited this post slightly to cut away unneeded negativity. This is to save YAM177 some work and to keep this thread clean.

TY Management
So, the matice form for the factory was not jokiing when they said they are going to put more effort in to this. Possable sice the sno pro 500 came out they are going tp put more effrot in to it after they saw the results.
i would say let me beat your prototype machines and then you can sell the right machine the first time, theyre test jockeys suck, and thank you good sirs, feel free to touch my digits
The race department is my contact but this info is going for improving the consumers experience. As well as what we would like to see to continue racing these.

There is no gaurentee any of this will happen. But this is a start. I have my own list I am sending them. Some of your things covered in this thread are on my list as well. Keep them coming. All I can say is someone at Yamaha will see a summarized list of this.
I will watch this thread carefully as the information yam177 is going to forward to Yamaha has to be objective, informative and of value to Yamaha.

I will remove posts if needed. Foul language and plain old BS will be deleted without further warning.
Please try to be constructive when posting in this thread. We may get a better Phazer someday :)

TY Management

Thanks yam177 for taking your time forwarding info from TY members to Yamaha, it's much appreciated.
I think the GT should at least get to 100 REAL speed..its got such soft suspension it would be quite stable yet at 100, not much after that. Also the running boards NEED MORE SUPPORT!!! they are flimsy. basically all of my "shrouds" have problems..ice gets in there and pulls them out of the bolt holes..etc. Too bad they couldnt come up with a flip up hood in the front to at least get to the oil filter, spark plugs...really save time taking everything apart..when each time i take all that stuff apart..yet another cheap grade plastic clip breaks.
