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Yamaha Recall

My dealer received a letter saying their dealership had 4 sleds which required the fix. My 09 XTX was not on there.

They ran my vin and it comes up no fix needed.

Thought it was all of them, must not be.

I will still do it myself since it is so easy.

nytro recall

wow I've put on over 300 miles on my 09 leftover will have to check this asap hope nothing's bent already
I got a letter in the mail from yamaha today, AND my dealer called me to tell me about this recall.

A little late since my bolt fell out at the beginning of last season. But I appreciate the effort on both their parts.
Just did mine... both sides were good... took them out anyway... they both had blue locktite on them... oh well better safe than sorry... put red locktite on and torque them to 34 Lbs... new XTX with 350 ditch miles.... Love this Sled..... came from a 2004 800 HO Renegade....

wonder if yamaha realized what was up and started putting loctite on factory?? urs is like the 3rd i've heard of that was loctited already.

my threads were bare. bolt was still tight...but glad i did it.
I had my bolt come out about two weeks ago when i was up in northern wisconsin. I noticed it when i was about a block away from the cabin pulled it in garage tighten it myself the next day left to go home . we had some snow at home northern illinois so i thought i would get it out and ride around are bean field and noticed one shock not centered in the A -arm. Took it to dealer this last saturday to see whats wrong they called and said it was the upper A-arm. Just this morning wife seen that we got a letter from yamaha about bolt falling out Dont ride may cause serious injury or death. I have 2000 miles on it trail and mountain rideing on it boy it could of ben worse.
Hi RowdyRider. i am not sure about canada but in the united states the manufacturer cannot deny a claim if you were not notified of a recall. i called about my 09 xtx and was told it was not in the s/n of the affected sleds. needless to say i am going to check to see/esure it is at proper torque.
RowdyRoddy said:
I still haven't recieved a letter. I called the local Yamaha shop and they told me that the recall must be done by them. If you do it and something goes wrong, then your shat out of luck.


My dealer has several machines in for the recall now. According to them they must do the recall work for warranty purposes. "A paper trail"

If work is done by the customer well then it is not recorded that it's done.
Re: Recall

IFlyEm said:
arminius123 said:
I bought my 09 nytro in November 2009 and on Dec. 13 after putting about 75 miles on it I was riding about 35 mph on a groomed, flat trail and suddenly the sled flipped and it through me off. Luckily my only injury was a busted up rib (Ouch!). My whole right suspension was bent in and the front assy. I brought it to the dealer, where it still is because they are waiting on the front assy part. Today I get a recall notice. I couldn't figure out what happened until today, but this recall messed me up and I still don't have a sled to ride. Be careful!


This is the first I have heard of this recall. I haven't gotten anything in the mail I just bought my sled in Nov as well. It would have been nice to know about this right away. Wish my dealer would have given me a heads up. Heck I was just out doing 100 mph runs in a field yesterday. If what happened to you happened to me I may not be here typing today. #$%&*

Is Yamaha covering all your damage?

Well I spoke to the dealer and he told me that the bolt was still in the sled? Hmmm... really no way for me to know either way, but I don't think he would gain from lying to me to cover for yamaha? He gets paid for the repair either way. I'm skeptical because I wasn't doing anything erratic or crazy and there was nothing on the trail that could have made me flip. So to answer your questions, no the insurance is paying and me with the deductible ($1000) I'm kicking myself in the #*$&@ for not getting the $250 deductible! Be safe out there!
Yikes...Got my notice yesterday. It's an easy fix but the dealer says they have to make the repair and document it to Yami for it to be official. Guess I can live without it for a day or so...Oh boy break out the old Viper and SRX...
I just put on new skis and took off sway bar and noticed that bolt was a little loose the left side was tight. I didn't torque it to spec but its tight now. It really tightened up that whole side. Left side was tight I even tried to give it alittle more but could not budge it.
07AttckGT...from what i've been told they will stay tight until the bur in the frame breaks loose. Then the lack of pressure on the bolt causes it to back it's way out.
