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Yamaha Windshield Bag

I just put 1 on. it's pretty small, but I was sick of the tank bag. It'll hold a few maps, wallet, keys, cell phone and a hat. There is room for improvement, I wish someone made it wider to go the the edge of the windshield.
I wouldn't say a waste of dollars, but it isn't a suit case! I like mine and I keep a small roll of reflective tape, a small pair of visegrips, power adapter, cell phone charger, small flask of brandy, and some other small things in mine. Still room for a trail map.I also have the bag that fits in the nose. It carries jumper cables and siphon hose.
I can't stand the un-finished look of the motocross style handlebar pad so have the larger cover with the small zipper compartment. I keep a truck key and my registration/insurance papers in it.
The seat compartment has the toolkit, couple railroad flares, led flashlight with lithium batteries, and a nylon tow strap and occasionally I throw a bottle of water in there.
I have also thrown a handlebar bag on at times. I don't want to use a tank bag for fear of scratching the paint and it would block the view of my GPS mounted to the front of the riser with RAM mount.
I had trouble stuffing a hat in mine,so I bought a handle bar bag.Now I only stick maps in W/shield bag! Jay
I stick my wallet, insurance cards papers, cell phone sun glasses all in there, best 25 bucks i spent on that sled. Getting the front nose bag is a good idea to.
I think it's a nice addition to the tank bag, all the Yamaha bags are a bit small, but I'm able to get all my tools and essentials in between the two. In the windshield bag I keep a few misc tools, flashlight, hat, rag, and even tuck my Boondocker box in it.
The bag is not the biggest but will come in handy for misc items. Storage space is a must!


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