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Yamaha wins the I-500

600's yes, but that is the class they should run in according to the 1.75:1 ratio. I don't hear anyone whining when a 250 4 stroker beats a 125cc 2 stroker on the motocross track. But yes, you wait.....they will change the rules. Rememeber the FIII class in 1992 (Eagle River, etc.) When Bender started smoking everyone, they snuffed the class down to 600cc's. Doo built the purple FIII 600 triple and Houle won every race after until the class was dropped completely.

One question history buffs......"has Yamaha ever won this race before"???
I remember them winning alot back in the 70's at Eagle River, Traverse City, and others but I'm going to say they never won the SOO - they dominated the shorter tracks with the SRX 440's until the Mercury Sno Twister hit the scene - those sleds were fast!
Yes a 600 can win short races but 500 miles?? Don't get me wrong, I am pleased but like I said; the competion was 600's. How many on here have been beat by a 600 in a long run????????
I believe in th I-500 all the sleds have close to the same h.p. YAMAHA has the advantage in durability, but a disadvantage in weight.
I bet next year they will make YAMAHA run the 3 cylinder. They would need to do more to the motor to get up the h.p., but it would be about 24 lb lighter too...
yammiman said:
I remember them winning alot back in the 70's at Eagle River, Traverse City, and others but I'm going to say they never won the SOO - they dominated the shorter tracks with the SRX 440's until the Mercury Sno Twister hit the scene - those sleds were fast!

Yes the Mercury Sno Twister were fast my very first sled. I had a 1974 model it had the bearclaw studs and was made to turn left for oval racing. I could turn that sled around on the road if I turned left turning right took 4 widths of the road. It was a Free Air model and it would do front ski lifts no problem. I had lots of fun with that sled and being 15 years old.
I just found out that Doug Flanery, he builds some of the motors that run in the race, He is a POLARIS guy but he did some YAMAHAs too. The top h.p. on YAMAHA is 170 on the POLARIS 2-strokes about 150. So with the weight of the 4-stroke, the power to weight would be very close...
Sled Dog - I remember as a kid going to some oval races and the Snow Twisters would pass the SRX's in the corners and then the SRX's would go by them on the straights - used to be some fun racing to watch - usually had to stop the race to tow a Arctic Cat or two in! LOL
The winningest enduro team in the 70's was Team Highland from Marion Mich. There Cats won every race multiple times, except for the Soo 500. A Cat has never won the Soo.
I believe in th I-500 all the sleds have close to the same h.p. YAMAHA has the advantage in durability, but a disadvantage in weight.
I bet next year they will make YAMAHA run the 3 cylinder. They would need to do more to the motor to get up the h.p., but it would be about 24 lb lighter too...
They are not the same in hp. They have a good 25hp on the 600's. I know alot of racers on the MIRA circuit and they are all crying because the 4 strokes have so much power, it's hard to compete and they all think they should be running the Vector motor instead of the Apex/RX-1 motor.
Yamaha wins at the Soo......
1975....Buddy Weber
1977....Grant Hawkins
1978....Den Litteton
1980....Grant Hawkins
1983....Duane Baur
apex yooper said:
I may be wrong, but I think he was down 6 laps.

They did take 5 spots. I left thinking Davidson was out of it. Fantastic job.

The picture of the finish looks like Brian Bartlet's back. The guy looks like he's 7'11". Must be him.

That cat, and Doo did one hell of a job considering they had 600's tweaked to the max running
against 4 strokes.

What picture? Where is it?

That Cat (#63) was pretty dang fast too, until he blew a belt and went 5 laps down trying to change it. All and all it was an excellent race. I tend to agree with Yooper, even though I'm glad Yamaha took 5 of the top 10, I have to question the fairness of running a bullet-proof, high HP, box stock FI, crotch-rocket motor vs. a tweaked out to the max, on the edge 600cc 2-stroke, in a 500 mile endurance race. I remember when the Vmax 4 was cleaning house at the mile, until it wrecked, and soon after came the end of unlimited class endurance at the Soo. Well one things for sure, Yamaha didn't make the rules, but it sounds like there could be another protest, reminiscent of the HEMI days of NASCAR, in the making.
Corey lost three laps in his first run.

Travis lost one in his first run.

5 laps down for a few laps, 4 laps in 8th place most of the race.

Other sleds began having problems and over time we moved up to third.

We got 2 laps back while Corey was on board. One by catching and passing the leader and staying in front. The leader #60 then pitted under green just as Corey was about to catch him again, this allowed Corey to advance one more lap. A few laps later the yellow came out and Travis got back on the sled 2 laps down.

Travis actually started his next run ahead of the leaders on the track due to the way we all came out of the pits under yellow. He stayed with the 60 and the 63 2 laps down. He rode this way from lap 350 to lap 426, in that time the #63 pitted under green losing a lap to the 60. On lap 424 or so the #60 sled again pitted under green giving the #63 back one lap and the #3 a 1/2 of two laps. The 60's total time in and out for that lap was 1:58+. Two or three laps later (426) Travis pitted under green Corey got on, total time in and out was 1:56. And so began the 2 second per lap gains. The leaders where lapping in the 50 plus second range or around 67 mph. Corey was lapping in the 48 second range or around 70 mph, some times faster. He caught and passed the leader and pulled away. The #63 broke, about ten laps later the yellow came out allowing Corey to close up at the back of the feild. He again caught, passed and pulled away from the #60 machine 2 plus seconds per lap until about 8-10 laps to go when his times began to slow. Doing the math (and I did) we knew he could re-gain the laps even without a yellow we needed 80 laps at 2 seconds a lap faster to do it. He did it in 74 with a yellow.

He crossed the finish line a little under 30 seconds or ALMOST, a lap ahead of the #60 sled.


As for some of the other comments about bad scoring boxes and magical two laps if you can not break down a race (this years, or any other) they way I just did, you have no ground to stand on, or anything to complain about.

For the extra HP advantage, Do the math, weigh the machines on the line with the drivers sitting on them. claimed 170 hp claimed 650 lbs without driver. A Pro-5 poo. Based on my experince 450 475 pounds and 135-140 hp. 3.8. and 3.3 power to weight ratios. The driver still feels the extra weight in the bumps and on the corners even if the engine does not. The real advantage is in the torque/ power band and the reliablity.

Corey and Travis did not go any faster at the end, everyone else went slower. The same way Corey has won or helped win all 6 times.

The four fastest sleds for the last 75 laps were the #21 ski-doo, the #63 cat, the #60 yammy and the #3 yammy. The #21 Doo was lapping as fast or faster than #3 at the end, he did not have enough time
to do anyting with it.

The #63 broke a belt with a fresh driver on board if not for that they had it won in my book. Justin has told Corey several times that the engine in the 63 is very near stock just a pipe and air-box mods, IT is NOT tweaked out!

check Stihlusa.com for more info later tuesday afternoon
