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  1. S

    Getting an Apex Xtx. ...any advice? ?

    The XTX rear suspension is much, much better than the Attak's. Bump absorption through the entire range of travel feels more modulated, linear & predictable. It's a cushier ride but feels more controlled. All the same principles apply when adjusting the XTX compare to the 136 Mono. Easy to...
  2. S

    Looking to purchase my first Apex

    2010 was the last year for the '1st generation' Apex. In 2011 the Apex was upgraded with EPS, new skis, taller seat & EXUP. EPS is awesome, it transformed the sled. If it fits your budget, an '11 is much, much improved over a '10 or older. The Attak/LTX & XTX versions offer a better ride in the...
  3. S

    Apex seat raised

    Very nicely done!
  4. S

    Code 84

    Code 84 is the TORS (Throttle Override System). The system cannot detect the throttle is returning to the 'home' (idle) position. The culprit is usually a loose connection @ the throttle lever but follow the wires & look for chafing, repair loose &/or chafed wires as required. TORS could be...
  5. S

    Apex XTX yes or no?

    Minor Correction to the whitedust1 post: The XTX has HPG (High Pressure Gas) shocks front & rear, not oil-filled shocks. The 144 skid is not as flickable in the twisties as the 136 BUT, the 144 rides so dang nice that the loss of flickability becomes moot. The 128 is flickable in the turns &...
  6. S

    2011 Apex XTX Vs SE Floats

    The XTX soaks up chatter better & offers better compression & rebound characteristics by far compared to a mono IMO. These make for a noticeably smoother ride than a mono IMO. To each his own I guess.
  7. S

    2016 Yamaha Apex?

    The hack job that is the 'Yamaha' Viper is a harbinger, in addition to being the industry's worst sled currently on the market. And this year brings only BNG. It could it not be more obvious Yamaha is exiting the sled manufacturing biz.
  8. S

    Apex shuts down

    I can't find how the engine RPMs affect the fuel injection system but like the 8 sensors + oil pressure detection + various voltage inputs the system needs to detect, RPM sensing must somehow be needed for the ECU & fuel injection systems. Anyone know if/how RPMs influences the ECU &/or fuel...
  9. S

    Code 43 2011 apex se help no start

    To expand on what sx7001 posted, Code 43 is Fuel System Voltage. The ECU is unable to monitor battery voltage & is detecting an open in the circuit. When this happens, the ECU fixes the battery voltage @ 12V to allow the sled to run. This code is not a disabling code, the sled should run. Two...
  10. S

    fox float pressure

    We found 75psi to work well on friend's '06 RTX w/Simmons skis. You'll have to experiment to find what's best for your sled / riding style.
  11. S

    Would you run this secondary?

    I looked again very closely, I don't see any cracks, I see: A: Parting / tooling lines from the mold. B: Imperfections from surface cooling.
  12. S

    Would you run this secondary?

    Agreed, some of those imperfections appear to be tooling parting lines & some are surface imperfections from when the casting cooled faster on the surface, a normal situation that doesn't weaken the casting (enough to worry about anyway). The clutch looks ok IMO.
  13. S

    Theft proofing the APEX? After near theft....

    No offense of course but the theft problem could be eliminated if law enforcement was more procative.
  14. S

    Theft proofing the APEX? After near theft....

    A hidden kill switch may work. This aside, the only other precautions are to stay @ a hotel w/secured sled storage, keep the sleds locked up in a trailer or as mentioned above, a serious lock & chain. With sled theft as common as it is & for the many years this has been a problem, the cops must...
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    Long overdue is for Yamaha to advance the technology of snowmobiles. Compromising the Nytro motor into an AC chassis is just that: A compromise & it's a major one at that. The Viper doesn't accell at anything nor is it unique or special in any way. It's the most lackluster 'new' sled I've ever...
  16. S

    Looking to buy an 06-07 apex, and have a few questions

    A suggestion for an Attak (the Apex model w/the 136) is to add a rear heat exchanger up inside the tunnel extension. Without it, the sleds are prone to overheating in marginal or ultra hardpack. The rear heat ex became standard equipment, parts should be relatively easy to get.
  17. S

    128 or 144 apex

    It seems our Canadian & northern Maine bretheren prefer the XTX's which makes, they're on logging roads that typically have wider sweeping turns. Those of us who are sentenced to ride NH or VT on tighter woods trails (unless we travel) seem to gravitate to shorties. The XTX certainly does...
  18. S

    Another whats-it-worth thread

    Hang on to that Apex, the Viper is the most underwhelming sled I've driven, it's not special or unique in any way plus, there will be many, many teething problems w/the sled. After selling the Apex for a Viper, you may find you miss it too much. I sold my Attak for a Doo, I'm happy w/the Doo's...
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    Leaking Oil Resevoir

    Has Yamaha resolved this on '12's & '13's? Or is this still an issue?
  20. S

    Best way to Polish tunnel remove salt stains?

    I've 1st cleaned w/a WD40-soaked rag to get the grime off, then wipe a clean rag to remove residue then follow up w/Never Dull. Doesn't leave a mirror finish but I don't want that anyway. This is a quick-n-easy process
