Can't seem to figure out why my 2016 RTX will only go 66mph at 12k rpm. Mods are a few from Schmidt Brothers as well as a 136" 1.5" free ride.
I have Chris' stage 2 clutch kit. Stock gearing (18/41) with 9 tooth drivers. Tested by 2 different riders, talked to Chris multiple times. NEED HELP...
My son has a 2009 Phazer MTX and a couple weeks ago he was getting Code 43 and the blue high beam light would blink. When he tried to start it, nothing would happen, you couldn't even hear the fuel pump. Got it home, dried everything out and with some research thought it might be the grounding...
What's the best way to reinstall the torsion springs in the rear skid? I.m have a lot of trouble trying to get them in the saddles without them exploding off. Any tips?
The rear suspension travels between two white plastic stops. Our sled at rest would sit about 1/2 way between the stops. We could only get it to rise to the highest position by lifting the rear of the sled. We replaced the two springs and many other parts. We also had the rear shock rebuilt...
I have a 2007 Phazer FX that turns very hard while riding. I have adjusted the limiter strap on the suspension and installed smaller carbides in hopes that it will turn easier but nothing has seemed to work. My next thought was to possibly switch the skis but I don't want to make that investment...
I am trying to find some replacement hand warmers for my 07 mtx and need some advice. I took off the old hand grips that have the warmers built into the grips and cut the wires leading into the grips. I have new grips that I want to install but need to find some warmers to put underneath the...
has anyone done this before? I have a phazer body engine is shot an I have a rx1 with a totaled body engine is still good.. Am I crazy to even think of it? Or is it possible? Or has anyone done it before?
I have currently a phazer fx but gonna extend it to 151 becouse I realized that the fun is in the deep snow.. but I would like to have the power at low speeds becouse I honestly never drive faster than 90kph... I read that gearing it down will just do that the clutch bottoms? If you gear it to...
hey i'm planning to extend my phazer with moving the skid backwards to get a better attack angle aswell, so are there any tracks that will work without any other modifications to the sled or to the track than only narrowing it down to 14"
and to what sled would have that track as original?
hey, i just bought myself a 07 phazer (yes i know the worst year model) and the reverse just works when it wants to work... is there any solution for the problem? isn't it a pretty comon problem?
Hey Guys,
I was working on my 09 Phazer RTX today changing the oil and when I fired it up it was idling rough and I was getting the flashing engine light / flashing exclamation mark. After doing some reading on here I checked the senors on the top of the air box and sure enough I found two...
Let's see if we can get a few more phazers in the showcase!! My new 2014 Phazer XTX. She's a month old now with a whopping 1100kms on her. She's staged beside my YFZ450 a.k.a. Mistress. She's always ready, never lets me down and NEVER says no. Need snow!!! Enjoy :)
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