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06 Nytro TORS problems


VIP Member
Nov 29, 2007
Rockford, Illinois
I understand there has been some discussion on the TORS problem with the 06 and 07 NYTRO. Can anyone point me in the direction of that discussion. I have tried the search function and can not find it. My buddies nytro has been back to the dealer numerous times for the same problem. We think it could be the TORS, maybe a bad coil. Here is a discription of what happens. Starts on a trip no problem for about 50 miles, stops and when restarts there is a miss and sled acts as though the TORS in activated. If waits about 15 to 30 minutes it restarts fine and runs well for about anouther 50 miles and the same thing happens. This is very frustrating. HELP!!!!! :o|

Kerry's sled

Joe, I told Mike at work the other day that Kerry should check his TPS, or his stator. Both of these have had some issue's if I remember correctly. Hope he gets it figured out. Good luck ;)!
