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06 Nytro

Nice pictures ! Great find on the truck . WOW and I thought I was busy .
That’s my MO. I tell people I’m like a shark, if I stop moving I’ll die.
I did the engine mounts, front diff mounts and steering shaft the week before last on my wife’s Esky. That sucked! I was ready to set it on fire and “do the jingle”.
GM says you have to pull the front diff to get mounts out but the rack and pinion is right in front of the diff and I wasn’t about to pull all that out so I fought them out and back in. And that was when I was still down with the kung flu. I was hating life but it had to get done, the drivers side was shot.


Well lets hear the good and bad ! Last week we did just over 400 miles . When my Ski doo over heated ( Really just lack of snow in the fields) I took out the wife's 2008 Vector and put just over 200 miles on it . The only thing that ticked me off was the guys in the shop ( When I had the Carbs cleaned ) turned every setting on the shocks to full hard. It took me about 10 miles to notice . Most of the time there on full soft with the rebound about 6/7 clicks harder. Full hard 22 click . Felt like a brick . Then the compression and the Hi/Lo valve completely full hard . I'm guessing the Crap I gave them about taking care of a guy that races for them first did it . I will have to bring them donuts next time .. ha ha

I'm hoping your son is enjoying the sled ! I can tell you the Ski Doo 1200X rides better in the rear but other than that , Not a lot of difference,
Yeah, couple weeks ago I got up there with the boys. Threw the sled in the back of the truck and headed up.

Jack absolutely loves it. Thing rides so much better and the throttle is so smooth and he loves the power. I didn’t get much time to play with the suspension but he didn’t care. I told him it’ll only get better as we get it dialed in for him.
Josh got his first ride on his own sled. Everything was great that day besides the -3° temp.

We stopped a little off the beaten path at an old church that was built in 1917. First Estonian church built in the country as the story goes. Someone is raising funds and rebuilding it. It was pretty cool to check it out.

But the sled performed flawless. I couldn’t get the windshield bag to stick but we want to change the windshield anyway. He didn’t complain but I know how it is with a tiny shield.
Sled looks good and the trip looked fun . Hopefully we will get Hammered with this storm. The wife and I are heading up north Thursday. Your Viper looks like a wild ride !
About 38 miles into our first ride, Josh got sucked off trail and bounced from one obstacle to the next. Came to a stop about 2 feet from hitting a tree.



It’s kinda hard to see in pics but he hit a rock hidden under snow and bounced over to a plastic drain culvert without leaving a trace in the snow so he was air bound. Then the plastic culvert trampolined him to a second plastic culvert pipe where his momentum must have been slowing down because he more so slid off that drain pipe and went nose first into a retaining wall that lined the creek. The skis apparently were on either side of that retaining wall because he didn’t stop there or go over the handlebars. The nose of the sled smacked the wall and it busted that part but someone he managed to get past the wall and came to rest a few feet from impact with tree.

To put it in better perspective, I drew it out for ya. This is no joke and not exaggerated. Thankfully he wasn’t going faster than his guardian angel could fly and he wasn’t hurt besides his ego. He really slowed down after this and I was trying to get him past it and he did actually ride the next day too.
Sled looks good and the trip looked fun . Hopefully we will get Hammered with this storm. The wife and I are heading up north Thursday. Your Viper looks like a wild ride !
The next weekend which was last weekend I went up to Newberry in the UP for a poker run. I got launched off my sled and broke a few ribs and fractured my femur. Still rode all day with them crazy bast ards on some rough trails doing 50mph. I’m still not healed from that.

Just got home a few hours ago from going back up north this weekend. We got caught in that big pileup in Wausau on Friday. Took me 7 hrs to get to the house because we were stopped on 51 near Merrill Ave.

My daughter who is 7 crashed the 120 into another sled her first time out and killed that thing. Broke ski in half and ripped hood off it. Oh well, she walked away and it’s only parts. $286 to be exact but hood wasn’t available otherwise it would have been more.

But we had a good weekend. My boys didn’t come but my brother brought my nephew and I let him ride Jacks sled. Didn’t take him long and he got it stuck. My ribs and leg still not healed I threw him a shovel and told him to start digging. My brother came back and helped him dig it out.

After that my brother’s baby momma rode the Nytro. I had to rip into her at the bar. “Racheal, if you wanna buy a sled and ride it down the middle of the bare road and burn the carbides and hyfaxes off it by all means. But when you ride my sled I expect you to stay on the snow!”

But Julianna had a blast riding with me.
Sled looks good and the trip looked fun . Hopefully we will get Hammered with this storm. The wife and I are heading up north Thursday. Your Viper looks like a wild ride !
I’m gonna try to get back up again next weekend too. Well, the next 3 weekends before the season ends. Suppose to get 8-10” tonight into 2mrw and then again more snow on Thursday. I’m gonna soak it up as much as possible.

Few more pics from this weekend.



My princess was wore out after all day riding. I was contemplating going to the hospital because I was hurting so bad! 2 Advil’s and an extra strength Tylenol took the edge off just enough to keep me from going. Gets hard to breathe just from pulling my gloves on. But I’m not stopping until season is over. This right here was worth the pain.
Wow, It's a good thing your a great mechanic :sled2: you have some work to do !! Glad no body got seriously hurt. I hope you put a hurt on all those Polaris guys . My daughters have had there share of accidents . My only mishap was trying to start the little 340 Polaris and the recoil rope broke and disappeared . That's my project for the weekend. It sure looks like everyone is having fun.

I was driving in that storm and slid sideways on Hwy 54 Just south of the big accident .
I love, absolutely love your posts. I love that you have an AFS Jag running around. You must be running upon pure adrenaline. Be careful and safe out there.
Wow, It's a good thing your a great mechanic :sled2: you have some work to do !! Glad no body got seriously hurt. I hope you put a hurt on all those Polaris guys . My daughters have had there share of accidents . My only mishap was trying to start the little 340 Polaris and the recoil rope broke and disappeared . That's my project for the weekend. It sure looks like everyone is having fun.

I was driving in that storm and slid sideways on Hwy 54 Just south of the big accident .
Oh man, I hate when the recoil rope breaks!
They had drag races on the lake Thursday and Friday in the UP. We didn’t make it up there until Friday mid day and that night it was snowing and so windy you couldn’t see on the lake so they cancelled the drags. I was looking forward to see how my turbo viper would stack up against some of the guys with their 850 Poo’s and Doo’s but it didn’t happen. Next time.

That accident was pretty bad. They said 174 vehicles in total. One pile up was 39 cars. We were making good time and then right after Plover and before stevens point it was snowing lightly and blowing pretty hard.

Then it started freezing rain and I had a few “oh sh ! t” moments and then slowed down. That’s about the time we started seeing cars and trucks sliding off the road.

Then out of nowhere everyone just slammed on their brakes and we had to split vehicles. Guy in front of me hit the shoulder to avoid hitting guy in front of him and I went up the middle of the lane and ended up about 6 cars ahead of where I was in line making it 3 wide! Scary.
Then we crawled about 25mph into Wausau where we came to a complete stop. Hour later I only moved about 1/4 mile.



We got off on K and had to back track south to get over the Wisconsin River and take W north to 17 and made it to the house. The news later that night.

My brother left a few hours later than I did and it took him 9 hrs when it’s normally 5-1/2.
I got out of there this morning at 11am because they said first wave of snow was starting at 2pm and I didn’t want to get stuck in traffic again.

I’ll report back after next weekend with hopefully less crash and traffic issues and just some good riding pics.
I love, absolutely love your posts. I love that you have an AFS Jag running around. You must be running upon pure adrenaline. Be careful and safe out there.
Appreciate that man! My uncle bought that Jag brand new in 90. Sold it to my dads high school buddy and it broke down in lake Tomahawk and he asked me if I had time to go pick it up for him and I asked if he wanted to sell it. Gave him $100 for it and all that was wrong was the fuel line in the tank turned to mush and it wasn’t picking up the fuel. Been running great ever since. My first son learned on it for a couple years and now my second son will kill it, I mean learn on it. Lol.

Thanks for checking out my posts.
Next time your going past Plover look for Exit HH . It's by all the business along the interstate . I live about 10 blocks from that exit .
My wife works in Wausau at the Hospital and she stayed up there that night . Good thing she did .

I got to put a few miles on a new 2022 Ski doo Mach Z . I'm thinking your Viper would give it a good run . Heck I think my 1200X would give it a fair shake . It only had 300 miles on it so not broken in yet . I will admit those Smart shocks work well. Very smooth .

With all the snow the trails should be good this weekend . Enjoy :4STroke::4STroke:
Appreciate that man! My uncle bought that Jag brand new in 90. Sold it to my dads high school buddy and it broke down in lake Tomahawk and he asked me if I had time to go pick it up for him and I asked if he wanted to sell it. Gave him $100 for it and all that was wrong was the fuel line in the tank turned to mush and it wasn’t picking up the fuel. Been running great ever since. My first son learned on it for a couple years and now my second son will kill it, I mean learn on it. Lol.

Thanks for checking out my posts.
My boys and I took our first trip together 2 weeks ago in the UP. Boys are 9 and 12. Fun times! But thankfully no drama like you had! My 12 year old piloted an xc6, my 9 year old rode with me on my Vec. I let him drive most of the time, with me sitting in back. He took my sled up to 70 and I had to shut him down, too fast for him piloting! I grabbed the throttle for about 10 seconds on a wide and flat grade. He said the speedo read 105. I told him not to tell his mom.
That’s awesome! I like to see the kids out enjoying the sport. Keeps em off the video games and their phones. I got more enjoyment riding on back letting my kids drive because it made their day. “Did I do good dad?” makes me smile with pride every time. “Yes you did bud”.
Keep em interested. A family that rides together stays together. We have my dad, my 2 sons, brother, his son and woman, my wife and myself. House gets a little crowded but it’s always a good time.
Yep, good times. My best memories as a youngster was riding around Newberry with my dad, uncles, and cousins. We had a 1971 Puma 399, 1979 Enticer 300, and a couple of early 440 Exciters. Our hands were always frozen. We couldn't feel our feet. The leaf springers with 2" of travel provided no bump isolation. Trails were almost never groomed. But we loved it all! My dad is 80 and purchased a new trailer this year to accommodate our snowmobiles with my kids. Riding with his grandkids was on his bucket list, and he got to do that this year. We rode 220 miles with the boys over a day and a half. My dad and I have been riding together, forever. He probably has a few more years left in him. Cherish the moments.
