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07 apex gt upgrades

Got graphics? 20210116_204859.jpg
From experimenting on two Vectors . Same chassis as your Apex.
Cheapest good skis: Ski Doo 6.9 with Snowtrackers.
2” handle bar riser
Front shocks sent to Hygear install Dual rate springs
Back shock gets the same setup but with a remote reservoir with compression adjustment.
I- grip studs . Light weight but still gives you some traction without worrying about a stud taking out heat exchanger.
DuPont sliders
Raised the seat 2” myself with stiffer foam for 50$
Installed Garmin Nuvi GPS for 120$. Google poor mans gps . Read Snowtech’s article.
I have a clutch kit on one of them and a BOP soft start spring on the other .
If it was me start with suspension and skis then seat and other things
I will add this . Put Fitch fuel catalyst in gas tank . It will take all your fuel problems away .
