JILLIONS of opinions is RIGHT! So here is mine. I am would describe myself exactly like you did younger, strong, don't care about 'cruising' I like to push the sled and me to the limit (when I responsibly and safely can, I have two kids so not a teenager without a care in the world endangering others so no safety police please

). Look at boost and rear suspension right away. To me a apex on boost, WITH a proper rear suspension turns the sled from a docile trail cruiser to an animal that tries to kill you, and that is what I love!
Your SOL on the rear suspension called the AD Bovin ZX2 this is an amazing skid that allows the ole girl to dance over moguls and actually make them fun! I had a 06 GT skid and it was very comfortable but I couldn't push it 50% as hard as I can with the ZX2. Unfortunately they do not make them any more. If you see any used scoop them up or let me know! I am spoiled with my ZX2 but if I had to start from scratch I think I would look at something procross derived with a hygear reavalved for performance. You want the front skis light. Fast M20/king air, etc is all about comfort and being able to steer so little transfer more for sit down riding. Get something more aggressive that will allow you to carry the instant speed a boosted apex is capable of and not bottom out and wreck stuff.
For boost go MPI SC if you ride tight trails - again unfortunately they are out of business too so look out for used. Go turbo for high speed lake/UP rail road bed running.
Lastly get the Ergos set up. Taller bars, MTX throttle cable, longer brake line, go high at least the MTX risor at a minimum and I like about 2-3" above that. Move them forward (tilt) so when you stand your leaning forward. Ditch the GT seat in favor of the RTX or MTX seat (or ditch the factory heavy weight seat all together and go lighter weight). I am 6'1" 220lbs and when I sat on the GT seat with comfy foam I thought my knees were going to get destroyed and I have good knees! The MTX seat was an amazing upgrade almost like adding 3" of foam to the GT seat (which is another option if you can't find a MTX seat). I do about 50/50 stand/sit. The seat is a must for me. I can't even ride a stock apex.
Boost is spendy so do it last but trust me first pull you will shat yourself and wonder why there is any other sled made. I'm sure I will start a debate on which is better but to me my tuned SW is a slug compared to a mild 10-11psi head shimmed SC apex. Go turbo apex and SW isn't in the same league. There is something about the 4 cyl spinning at 10-11K rpm and the gear reduction to the clutch that just makes these things FLY! I raced 300+ hp sleds and if they beat me off the line flew past them at 60mph like they hit the brakes. Non-apex people think the sled is fat, old, and for the trails only. On boost they become the ferrari on snow and soooo hard to beat. Best of all still reliable, lots of maintenance in the off season but turn key once snow flys!
Good luck and enjoy modding the sled, its so easy to make it your own!