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08 nytro probem cant figure it out/can you?

Studs? Leak in the cooler maybe that spits out the coolant under the sled at riding temp and pressure??

no leaks that I could find. no studs. why would the "engine shut down due to low oil pressure light be coming on? and not the temp light? is 215 not hot enough for the temp light to be coming on...
mcamzr said:
Studs? Leak in the cooler maybe that spits out the coolant under the sled at riding temp and pressure??

I believe he pressurized the system with no evidence of an external leak. Fill the radiator and run it through a couple heat cycles in the garage Check the fluid level in the radiator and overflow bottle between cycles (never add cold coolant to a hot motor unless the engine is running). If there is air in the system it will work it's way out and more coolant can be added. I stated previously that you need to check for bubbles in the reservoir but actually I should have said radiator (edited). The last head gasket I did on a Nytro I could see very small bubbles through the radiator fill. I still believe you have a head gasket problem and maybe you should test for compression gases in the system.

I believe the low oil and overtemp only shuts the engine down if at an idle.
correct I ran it for 20 min up to temp with a rad cap funnel tool installed and after many heat cycles I witnessed vary few bubbles comming up through the coolant I was able to go as long as 3-4 minutes at idle with no bubbles. I did notice a few small ones if I reved up the engine but not alot...and with the cooling system pressure test holding pressure for 15min with only 1lb of pressure drop a leak is not evident.
The bubbles are fine and hard to see but it doesn't take much to start pressurizing a small system at higher rpm's. The pressure evnetually builds high enough to open the radiator cap and push fluid to the overflow bottle. When doing a presure check on the sytem I normally leave it for several hours and if it's a good pressure gauge tool it won't lose any pressure over that time. Losing a pound in 15 min is to much.
do you think running the block check would help diagnose it conclusively even with minimal bubbles? ill go buy one and try it if you think that small amount of bubbles will chsnge the color of the fluide.

just want to nail ghis thing to the wall for damn sure before I spend $1000 on having the head gaskit replaced.
I would probably do the check. It might take a little longer to get enough compression gas to change color but eventually it should detect it if there is a problem. The cost of the test kit isn't that high compared to the time you're spending trying to diagnose it.

What is your location?
near grand rapids mi, and the more I think about it I havent really lost any coolant just pushed it into the reservoir and I siphoned it out and put it back into the radiator.
one other thought that I am having is the fact that it actually has low oil pressure is causing the overheating .
Low oil pressure should not cause the engine to overheat but the oil is cooled by a heat exchanger so if there is inadequate heat transfer due to the lack of coolant the oil could be overheating. I believe the oil viscosity will drop and if it gets hot enough it will start foaming which would drop pressure.
ill keep you posted, and I appreciate all the help. as of right now im contemplating saving about 500$ by pulling the motor myself and bringing it in to have the gasket replaced. ive worked on my own cars for my whole life everything from motor swaps to complete engine teardown and rebuilds. looking through the online servise manual is a little overwhelming and not sure I have the tools and know how to get the motor set back in the correct location so the cluch spacing is right. the motor mounts all look vary adjustable? motor goes out the bottom right?
I chased a blown head gasket last year on my new to me nytro. It would idle forever and not blow out coolant, but run 10 miles down the trail and it was pushing it into the overflow and onto the ground. The engine burns clean enough that you don't see the classic oil residue or have the exaust smell in the radiator. The mtor tear down is the easy part, getting the engine out and putting it back in are the time consuming things. You will need all new head bolts for that engine. They are a stretch torque bolt.
I just found somthing? after getting even more frustrated because the block check test came out negative I got a call from the previous owner telling me he had his mechanic install a gaurd sheild over the front and only cooler because his last track was studed and was ripping holes in the cooler so imeadeatly I crawled under and noticed this......could this cause an overheating issues bad enought to push cooland past the cap and into the reservoir? also raising the oil temp enought to lower the viscosity enought to create a low oil pressure code..m
