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08 nytro starting in -30c

Nope right beside/below the battery. The red cable goes from battery to it.
Nope right beside/below the battery. The red cable goes from battery to it.

that guy?

that's what i replaced when i said "i replaced the starter relay"

not sure if thats the right term for it but it seems to have made cold starting worse
Do you have a manual? I have seen they updated these relays in later models. I ordered some relays last week to replace my old ones and they sent me old ones. I told the owner that there are new solid states out and he said well why did they send me these? I'm like Do I look like Yamaha Canada??? After a few minutes they found a Tech Bulletin (to my surprise) and said I guess we'll order these. I had even told them of this on the original order.. Any way there is a trouble shooting procedure on page 8-12 that will help. You can get a free manual download on this site in the event you don't have one.
Or PM me your home addy and I'll send you a copy.
