08 Venture MP bad stator or bad rectifier/regulator

Is anyone familiar with this specific sled?
Just want to make sure i'm going about this the right way. I've drained the oil and removed the tank to make room to work.

And now from the service manual and from what I can see from poking around in there, it looks like I need to drain the coolant and then remove the hoses from the pump and pull the pump off so I can get at the last few bolts that are behind... and then I can get the stator/rotor cover off.
Yep, that is a good post.
Hey even pulled off the pump without draining the system.
Hopefully I won't need to pull the whole front end off... but maybe that is easier than it looks.

i tried when i did it but it was easyer with it out the way.
hmm, maybe I will remove it. Looks like three bolts on each side, the steering rode and the head light cable... and the front should pop off? I haven't checked the service manual to see if it explain how to remove it.

I've got one bolt left on the water pump, and there is one stator cover bolt tucked behind the water pump that I still need to remove... but its getting hard to reach things in there. And one cover bolt head stripped. Hopefully the vise-grips will get it out.
So maybe a few more than three bolts... but that is impressive how easy it is to pull the front off. It really opens things up.
So... the stator is clearly in rough shape. New one on order.

how i figured it would look. pick up coil still looks good though.
Ya, I didn' t know what to expect.
Thanks again for all your help, and everyone else too! I've posted on some other sites over the years and never get much feedback.

You mentioned the starter as well... I can see why it is buried under the engine block. You suggest buying a "rebuild kit", or just taking it out to see how bad it is and go from there? Or just replace the brushes?
The big thing about the starter was the through bolts that would back out on the '07 and some '08. The preventive fix for that was to remove one at a time and add some red Loctite on them. Some of all years have had the magnets come unglued. The main failure is the relay/solenoid that fails to make contact or worse, stays stuck on and burns up the starter (been there).
did the stator in july. in my case the starter magnets came un glued in december when we wanted to use the sled. put an aftermarket starter in as it was all we could get in time. it shorted internally just after the warentee expired. put oe starter and solenoid on it and have had no issues with starting system since. i would seriously consider replacing the starter to prevent a no start from its failure as you do not know the sleds history. the solenoid can always be jumped to start the sled if it fails. how it sits now, it is easy to replace.
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Done and Done.
New stator installed. Voltages all read properly. Battery is now charging with the headlights and all other electronics on. I replaced a number of steering parts too to tighten things up. As recommended, I put a new starter in while I was in there. I opened the old on up and it looks fairly healthy, so i'll keep it around for spare.
I do have a couple follow up questions though.

A fair amount of coolant leaked out. I had to leave it all apart for almost a month while parts were getting shipped, and there was a slow drip/leak from the pump. I assume that is normal as there was no leak before, and no leak now that its all back together. But because so much leaked out, I had to add a fair amount of coolant back in to the system. There is a bleeder valve to bleed out any air... which I did a few times while filling it as well as after running it for a bit. But in general, how "easy" is it to get an air lock on these sleds? Should I be concerned at all?

And the second question. These sleds only have the one small rad near the oil tail. There is a small fan that I assume is supposed to pull extra air through the rad if it gets too hot. I don't think I have ever seen or heard that fan come on. Does anyone know when that fan should kick on? At a specific coolant temperature I assume? I'm digging threw the service manual but can't find anything yet. (I just found the post about the custom temperature senor... it says the fan turns on around 90C, turns off at 84C. I assume mine should follow a similar pattern). Today I ran the sled for a quite a few minutes at 5K RPM with the drive belt off. And that fan never kicked on. Maybe I didn't get things hot enough... Its too bad there isn't a digital temperature display on this sled. I put a 12v load on the fan and it comes on, so the fan is good. I've checked the temperature sensor and it reads 3.6kohms, which sound about right for the outdoor temperature here. I'll try again tomorrow to see if the resistance drops as the temperature goes up. I guess I need to check the other usual suspects? Check the fuse and fan motor relay?
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I can't say for sure of course but you could be good. That fan doesn't come on that often. Water Wetter or the equivalent is a common recommendation and scratchers. The next time I run mine I'll pay extra close attention to what the fan is doing and get back to you.
I found answers for most of your questions when I installed a temp gauge:

I recommend installing one to be proactive. One thing to note is that the sled's temp sensor is located in the thermostat housing, not in the block, so if there is low or no coolant, you and the ECU would never know it's overheating. Poor design for sure.
Yep, I was reading that thread last night. I'm tracking down the parts today. More just for the fun as I've never had any overhead problems yet. But like you, it just makes sense to know what temperature its really running at.
