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09 prices canada

Anymore Canucks getting decent prices here or across the border on the Nytros?

Its sad but I have to agree true. That attitude is weighing heavy on me as to whether I buy Yamaha or go green with a turbo this fall.
Haha I may import my next sled from the US then, here in Norway we pay about $30.000 USD for an Apex. SHOCK!!!

BTW - The AC Z1 turbo was a disappointment at the show late April, it got beat both in accel and top end by the AC F1000 and Yammi Apex LTX. But they may turn up the boost before it hit the market.

i have held off for now on buying new yam xtx cause of the price differance and will keep my RXI 05 for a while longer , if gas keeps going up here now is $ 1.40 a liter i will do less sleding. HOPE THINGS WILL CHANGE BUT I WILL NOT BET THE FARM
I bought my XTX in Canada for $10620 + tax and got a 3yr warranty.

My business has taken a huge pill because of cross border spending. I have had to permanently lay off employees to keep my doors open.

I hope everyone who buys their sleds across the border thinks twice about buying in the US as they could be the next people to lose their jobs or find their business is in trouble for the same reasons.

My local Dodge dealer is closed putting 50 people out of work and the Ford dealer has laid off half their staff all because of cross border shopping. Dont think that this wont cause a domino effect to other businesses as those people who were laid off now arent going to spend their money at your place of business.
ScottyR said:
I bought my XTX in Canada for $10620 + tax and got a 3yr warranty.

My business has taken a huge pill because of cross border spending. I have had to permanently lay off employees to keep my doors open.

I hope everyone who buys their sleds across the border thinks twice about buying in the US as they could be the next people to lose their jobs or find their business is in trouble for the same reasons.

My local Dodge dealer is closed putting 50 people out of work and the Ford dealer has laid off half their staff all because of cross border shopping. Dont think that this wont cause a domino effect to other businesses as those people who were laid off now arent going to spend their money at your place of business.

yeah... okay right.... but in the end we all know we are those idiot who pay so much more for the veray same thing..... :o|

Guess what, I purchase my cars/sled here in canada... BUT almost everything else come from across border... even my honda lawnmower... 50% price difference... were talking pretty big differences here.

Yes they will have to learn how to compete with free trade . oooh was that not what is was for in the beginning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ScottyR said:
I bought my XTX in Canada for $10620 + tax and got a 3yr warranty.

My business has taken a huge pill because of cross border spending. I have had to permanently lay off employees to keep my doors open.

I hope everyone who buys their sleds across the border thinks twice about buying in the US as they could be the next people to lose their jobs or find their business is in trouble for the same reasons.

My local Dodge dealer is closed putting 50 people out of work and the Ford dealer has laid off half their staff all because of cross border shopping. Dont think that this wont cause a domino effect to other businesses as those people who were laid off now arent going to spend their money at your place of business.

I feel sorry for anyone who loses their jobs over cross border shopping but the fact remains is it those who cross border shop that are the root of the problem? Or is it the Canadian companies who take the dealers for a ride?

Maybe the Company's should be the ones who take a hard look at why their dealers are loosing sales. Maybe they should cut out some of the overpaid CEO's who are sitting back getting fat while the Canadian dealer watches customers head across the border. In a time where Canadian workers are faced with cutbacks, wage rollbacks and lay offs. Seems to me CEO's are making bonuses.

I'm tired of it. I order a drive chain from the US its a 100 dollars. From my dealer its 270 dollars. All new gears and chain in the chaincase from the US is less than 500 bucks shipped to my door all taxes and brokerage fees. In Canada its well over a thousand with taxes. Something is not right. I'm all for supporting my dealer but I'm tired of being raped.

I can buy two, one year old Appex long tracks in the US barely used for the price of one new one in Canada. Now tell me where is the incentive to shop here?

2010 I'm looking to buy a new sled. Unless Canadian-US prices equalize I'll shop across the border for it.
Cross border shopping

Why when most parts come from Japan should there be a price difference?
In the recreation market toys are always way too much money!
Goverment spending is crazy as ever and why are we spending $100,000,000. on military which will be out dated before we pay for it?
Banks/ credit cards and taxes are really raping us all everyday.
I am sure Yamaha Japan sells for same price to Canada or USA
