18 Yamaha sidewinder electrical issue


Nov 1, 2022
Reaction score
Cambridge ny
2018 Yamaha sidewinder
I’ve got an 18 Yamaha sidewinder ltx an my battery keeps drawing dead. I have checked most of my wires an the common rub spot under the fuse box an most grounds an nothing has rubbed through. I’ve tested the fuse box an it has power all the time even with key off. Iv unplugged the hood an makes no change there’s always power to the fuse box, an battery being drawn on. Sled starts an runs fine.. I’m stumped any info would be appreciated
Try pulling one fuse at a time with a test light between the Negative cable and the Negative of battery. When you pull the fuse in circuit with draw the light will go out. Should help narrow it down at least to the circuit the fuse is on.
I believe every fuse has power when everything is off so maybe it something before the fuse fox. but I will try that later when I get home. An no tuner or flasher on the sled
Any chance you have a garmin gps power cable hardwired to battery? I have found that they draw power when not being used. My father in laws dual sport would keep draining battery and we found that was the cause of it.
Any chance you have a garmin gps power cable hardwired to battery? I have found that they draw power when not being used. My father in laws dual sport would keep draining battery and we found that was the cause of it.
I had the same problem on a Nytro with a Garmin power cable.
No gps. I pulled each fuse out an nothing changed still power to everything until I pull the battery fuse. Then there’s nothing to the other fuses.
No gps. I pulled each fuse out an nothing changed still power to everything until I pull the battery fuse. Then there’s nothing to the other fuses.
You had the Negative cable off the battery and test light between it and neg batt post? 1 Inc 2000 asked if you have a flasher installed? Known battery drain.
I’ve got an 18 Yamaha sidewinder ltx an my battery keeps drawing dead. I have checked most of my wires a the common rub spot under the fuse box a most grounds a nothing has rubbed through. I’ve tested the fuse box an it has power all the time even with key off. Iv unplugged the hood a makes no change there’s always power to the fuse box, a battery being drawn on. Sled starts an runs fine.. I’m stumped any info would be appreciated
I know it’s a bit late but I had the same problem with my 2018 btx. Nothing was pulling power but the dealership changed out the voltage relay and it has been good ever since. The relays in the 2018 aren’t the best quality for the cold temperatures
