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2005 Manitoba TY Ride!! A Great Ride & Pics!!

Any of you guys interested in coordinating a small ride if you still have snow in about 2 weeks around the Winnipeg area somewhere? I need somewhere to put some miles on this supercharger. It's either Northern WI, the UP, or Manitoba. All of them are a 8-12 drive away.


I wish I could have stayed awake past 1am, sounds like I missed some more good laughs. Kmer promised some new jokes for Saturday evening that we still need to hear.
Glad to hear it. It would be real nice to meet "The Wife" of all you guys. Of course that would mean you'd have to behave Mr. Sled!
Yikes where do I even start on this one, Well in no such order here it is

1st off Mr Sled actually looks 10 pounds lighter in person, I guess the camera does add 10lbs. :D Mr Sled also has a great sense of humor and sure does enjoy himself at the dinner table, Now we just got to stop him of his bathroom break habits on the trail. :D

Had a blast riding up front with Terry / NOS-PRO, as on the way to Falcon Lake we really RIP DUR UP ;)! and put some serious MPH down that trail & TWO SUPER WHEELIES down the hill just before Falcon Lake ;)! ;)! I like that mans way to ride, can't wait to hook up with him next year ;)! Not to mention I got NOS SPANKED across the lake...........Twice :D

Thanks to Flurry for allowing me to take out her MT Sled in the powder, that was a first for me and I absoultly loved it. You know for a Mt Gal she picked up riding the trails real quick, and was just kickin A$$ on the Sat run........Way to go ;)!

Thanks to Praire Dog for trading sleds, as I was at the back of the back bringing up the rear on the Noping Lodge run. Had an other chance to run in the powder with the BIG GUNN, I loved the sound of that BIG PIPE out the back too.

Suisse Sledder; Was a blast riding with you as I really enjoyed blasting bye you on the trail to Falcon Lake. And my Co-Pilot thanks you for spotting for us on the Sat ride. Looking forward to sharing the trails again with you again next year, hope you can make it out.

Thanks to Don for letting me borrow his ashfalt skid & stealing the wheel I needed to fix my sled, and Brian for helping me change it out in his heated shop. And of course Sasqutch for forcing the wheel back on out on the trail. Nice to have a bunch of friends around when you really need one or two or three.

Margaret; Your home made two day stew :Rockon: As she gave up riding to cook. Brian what can I say, Everything was first class and you & Margaret did an out standing job. Hopefully next year I will be able to give you more of a hand.

Jim / Lake racer; I've waited all summer to see your sled and was sorry you couldn't make it out to ride with us. But was ever glad to see you made it out Sunday and we hadn't left yet. Jim showed us his turbo and I have to say he has done a nice job on the fabrication. From the Intercooler to the Air deflectors all the way through his Fuel System & Plumbing it's a very clean and tidey. Both Brian and myself really liked what we saw, I'm re-thinking my 06 plans for an ATTACK & possibly as BPE Turbo for my Warrior.

As for the ride on Jims Turbo, When I got in to work today everyone was bugging me about my stupid smile on my face that I had all day. They kept teasing me about "Did I Get Luckly All Weekend" I swear I looked just like Sasquatches Avator all day Sunday & Monday. It's pretty hard not to when you pull wheelies for a 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile at well over 100mph with the ski's two feet off the ground ;)! I rode it for 15 minutes and about 6 runs, 4 at WOT. At one point I stoped along the Hwy to get off and was jumping up and down and screaming Yahooooooooooo at the top of my lungs. What a Rush now If my Co-Pilot doesn't mind being strapped to the seat so I don't lose her I'll get one.

Thanks to all that came out as I think we have all become a little closer as friends, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR ;)! For those that missed out, sorry you missed the greatest TY Ride Ever ;)! Hopefully you will be out next year.


One more thing; Maybe Now Brian Will Cut Me Some Slack ;)! , as he still thinks I can't ride :D
Hey Bountyhunter, if you got your co-pilot her own machine you could get your turbo sooner!
Glad you enjoyed the powder, maybe you'll head out our way sometime.
Flurry said:
Hey Bountyhunter, if you got your co-pilot her own machine you could get your turbo sooner!
Glad you enjoyed the powder, maybe you'll head out our way sometime.

:D She still wants to ride on the back, and has no real desire to have her own sled.


If you have trails to ride like we do, We would plan a rode trip ;)!

Other wise we better Pack PLASTIC SHOVELS :tg:
Darn, I was hoping to have another riding partner. Not enough of us girls. I can understand the Cuddle Factor though, did that on the back of the bike for years.

A lot of the lodges rent machines, usually fairly new if you get the urge to try the "mountain experience". Prairie Dog and I would be glad of an excuse to go.
Bountyhunter said:
She still wants to ride on the back, and has no real desire to have her own sled.

After watching you ride, I think she is insane or on Valium. And how she stays on the back of your Warrior is beyond my comprehension.

Flurry, you did well on Saturday staying with group. Many of us commented about the progress you made in 3 days, but probably nobody told you in person.
Flurry was probably thinking you guys were going to ditch her, she had a little problem finding her way on thursday night after everyone blasted back to the hotel. Hats off to all the gals that came out for the ride, it kept all the BIG BELLIES from coming out at night. ;)!
