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2005 NH TY ride

Well to save space, how about anyone who is interested in attending, e-mail me directly at sledding@nhautofab.com and let me know:

*RX1.info Username
*Whether you definately plan to attend, or are a maybe
*Any dates you definately CAN'T make it

And you can also add in any notes...such as any particular routes you would like, places you want to see, certain trails you want to try, etc.

So far the basics seem to be to leave Twin, head up the west side of the state (aprox. Trail 5) to either Colebrook or Pittsburg area, then head back to Twin through Errol, Berlin, then Twin. Anyone who will be staying anywhere north of Twin can either trailer down (as I'm going to do), ride down if you are close enough, or we can meet up with you at some point along the way. The exact route is still open, depending on what people want to do/see etc. This is my take on things...we just need some input, then I'll post what I find out as to the number of people who plan to attend and any suggestions, and the best and worse dates. Anything to jump in with Dana?

And for anyone who is staying north of Twin, we could carpool...I have an open trailer that will hold 4 sleds.

Jim, sounds great. Lets pick a day during the week and also a Saturday. I would like to start early and finish late all is one day. The earlier in January the better. I will be back on Monday. Let me know. I do agree, during the week is better, but not everyone can attend. Maybe we offer two rides in January. If any other have suggestions, please give your input.
Hey Snowbandit, sorry to hijack this thread...I didn't notice you were the one who started it. Dana and I had spoken a while back about a N.H. ride and for some reason I was thinking he had started it...didn't mean to jump in on you. Nobody has e-mailed any info yet anyway...

What is the cost for a weekend trail permit in NH? I would like to explore the NH trails with you guys on one of the weekends picked....
No weekend trail permits... And no problem with hijacking the thread. Just keep me informed. I would love to hook up with you guys for a ride. Only weekend I can not make it is the last one in january.
Wow, we need some more interest in this N.H. ride. So far I only have myself, Dana (Boston RX1), Snowbandit, YamahaXtreme, and possibly RX-1 Yamaholic. I KNOW we have more RX riders than this in N.H.! Come on New Englanders, jump in.

As for the ride, Dana can only do a long 1 day ride, but because others will most likely be staying over in the area anyway, what do you say we plan on riding both days of the weekend? Maybe the big loop we talked about on Saturday, and then play it by ear depending on what trails were good, and where the riding was good, and plan a bit more riding Sunday before people head home? Either way, Sat. the 8th looks good so far, and possibly Sunday the 9th if there is interest. Since I'm local up here anyway, if anyone is coming up Friday I would be able to meet up for a little riding Friday night even.

Jim, count me in. Where are you starting from? I may be able to ride Friday and Saturday. I would return home on Friday night and then show up early Saturday AM. I am hoping we start from TM area. I think that is where most of the guys are from. Let me know. That might be the first time out for us by the looks of things. Just post a ride and they will come. It will be great to ride with Yamaha people, mostly I ride with Cat people.
Twin it is, thats what I've been planning anyway. Snowbandit will be there anyway, and anyone coming up from the south will have less driving and more riding. Anyone who is already north of there can easily trailer or ride down to Twin. Depending on what time in the AM we start, I may just ride down from Colebrook, but we'll see. Its a little further for me now that we are up here instead of in Milan where I was last year, so I may trailer instead of riding down.

If we get hard numbers I might beable to work out parking of the trailers at the place I am staying at(good friends of mine that own cottages and restruant Twin View Restraunt and Cottages is the name). I have a enclosed trailer to do any last min repairs or adjustments, comes with heat and power too..

Oh as for Jan 8th-9th... Perfect I have the 6 and 7th off to as thats my b-day... So I might beable to scope out some trails... I am tring to get the club to let me run the groomer... No go as of yet thou...
Jim, do you have any numbers yet for our ride? We need some friggin snow or we all will be in the bar looking at each other. Bandit, if you want company on Friday, I may be able to take that off and come up and ride.
Wow, I have to watch this thread...there were a bunch of posts that I never got notified of. Anyway, I'm up for that ride Friday Snowbandit. I'd love to help you scout trails.

Right now it looks like we only have 4 definates, and 1 maybe (RX-1Yamaholic). If you guys know more New England area RX riders, spread the word...I wouldn't mind seeing at least a few more riders, but personally I don't know anyone else who rides an RX. I should message Tony (TShelver) to see if he would be interested. I think his schedule takes him away a lot, but if hes still around the area, hes a blast to ride with.

Weather so far here in Colebrook:
We had a few inches of snow but most was washed away with Wednesday's rain. There is still a very small amount on the ground, maybe an inch or two. We are due to get rain and snow Saturday, then snow showers from Sunday through Wednesday. The ground was freezing up, then it warmed back up so there really isn't a good frozen base yet. Pittsburg is supposed to have a little more snow right now, 10+" in most areas, so if they get snow Saturday they might open the trails up there Wednesday. The official start of the allowable riding season is Dec. 15th, IF there is enough snow. So far its tough to call, but it looks good for Pittsburg, and still iffy from Colebrook south.

