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2005 NH TY ride

4 or 5... I am hoping for more.

If everyone wants to either PM me your email or post it I will start working out details and send out a email when everything is final. If anyone is looking for a place to stay I think the folks that own the cottages where I stay have a few open... Let me know I can get prices and such...
Jim, if the trails open up north before Christmas, I have to come up and get a blast in. I have been looking at all my new mods for 6 months and can't take it anymore. Can anyone break away for a few hours during the week?
Dana..How can I sit back and watch a TY ride go by without me?!?! Looks like one more in the blue crew. ;)! From what I am gathering, riding Friday, Sat,...maybe Sunday? (January 7,8,9) I'll keep an eye on the thread :shock:
Steve, I am definitely taking that Friday off. Are you going to join me. Free room and board, just pay for the gas to and from me. You will never have a cheaper weekend. Let me know. I can hook you up with Sunday riders as well. We just need some snow.
Well for the record, it looks like we might get 4-6" tonight, and Saturday's rain has been changed to a "wintery mix". And from checking with surrounding towns, we have the least amount of snow for the area...Errol & Pittsburg both have a fair bit more than we do. Rough estimate would be 6-8" in Errol, depending on where in town you are. Keep your fingers crossed!
Jim, as soon as the trails open, are you interested in finding the snow? I would love to get out even if it is just for a few hours. Let me know.
I will as soon as I find out why my sled is running like crap. It was running great when I first ran it for the season, then it started in with a big hesitation when accelerating in the midrange. I was hoping it was because the battery had been low, but even after charging it fully its still there. I might have to pull the carbs and clean them. If I have to do that, I'm going to wait until I have money for the ECP filter and evac kit, so I only have to pull the carbs once. Who knows...maybe it just needs to be run for a bit. Once we get enough to try it on the trail I'll fill it with fresh gas and some Seafoam in the tank and take it for a little ride to see if it clears up. Other than that I'm always ready!

Here are a few links to those of you who aren't real local to us:
A little slow updating the site right now because the sledding season isn't officially here yet. But the first sledding of the season will be available there first, and they will have the trail conditions posted when they are.

On the lower right corner of their home page there are a couple links to decent snowfall maps. One is a recent snowfall amount, for the past 24 hours. The other is total accunulation. The maps actually cover a good part of New England.

My site. Not finished yet after moving it from my old hosting service, but I keep the home page up to date, and I put down ACTUAL, honest conditions to the best of my knowledge. And trust me, actual trail conditions are often times very different from whats posted on club sites.

Well that was a disapointing night. After reading 4-6", we wound up with about 1" of freezing rain/icy snow. Some of that melted away today with a little drizzle. Its pretty bad to see fog and drizzle in December this far north! The forecast doesn't look great for the next 7 days or so either. A few flurries and snow showers, but I don't see anything about any real snow. I guess our trails won't be opening on the 15th. :? :moon:

Hey all,

Myself and a friend are definetly interested in the ride....we both have rx1's and he has a spare viper so we might get a third to join us..keep me in the loop. We also try to get up and start from Lancaster...north to colebrook then to pittsburg if it is still early enough to get back to the coos inn before to late....would like to hook up with other ty'ers during this season...IF WE GET SOME SNOW!!!
O.K., right now I'm up to a list of 6 almost definates (including Kinsound), and 6 maybes, including Kinsound's two friends, one of which may be a definate. As stated...we just need the snow! Temps are starting to cool off some now, so we'll see what happens. Around here, one good day will make all the difference in trail conditions.

Ok Folks I need some hard numbers soon. I have something in the works and need to know how many are coming up to ride.
