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2006 Adirondack NY TY ride?

wanasrx said:
Sounds Good. Any dates? I don't know what "MLK weekend" is.

MLK is Martin Luther King day . some people have it off so it makes good weekend for a ride.so January the TY ride would prablly be the 14th and the 15th and martin luther king day is the 16th.
Hey mikedgates take over man! LOL kidden do all ya can ill be just along for the ride hope theres alot alot alot of snow!
yamaslob said:
Hey mikedgates take over man! LOL kidden do all ya can ill be just along for the ride hope theres alot alot alot of snow!

I don't mean to take over anything. I just want to ride. I am thinking you know the trails up there,But I don't want to buy the oldforge permit for one days ridding.I am thinking there will be others thinking the same thing.There is plenty of riding up there without oldforge . we need someone up there to organize it. ARE YOU UP FOR IT?were to ride were the motels are and so on.Maybe we can get a TY rate at the motels.I like to see allot of riders. We need to get are dates down.
Yes im up for it there is a Comfort in Saranac Lake that has rail road track access that will be the best bet and also it has a large parken lot so you guys will be safe plus i live close to there i will start getten everything set up i dont want to ride in old fordge i say ride to it theres alot of sights to see down there but w/e works go were ever im hopen theres a good amount to show up~
That sound's great. I have never been up that far. I will be in brantingham lake that weekend. I am not sure how far of a ride it is up to saranac. But I can maybe get up early and make it ride up there. or if you decide to come south maybe I would meet you guys. do you plan on riding both days?
What is it i actually got to set up? Call for rooms or do i give you guys the telephone #? Directions idk im only 16 me and my dad thought it was a good idea but Ive been goin around on this he doesnt go on the comp so can ya guys tell me what i got to do to set this up and make it work out and actually have a good NY TY ride thanks~
yamaslob said:
What is it i actually got to set up? Call for rooms or do i give you guys the telephone #? Directions idk im only 16 me and my dad thought it was a good idea but Ive been goin around on this he doesnt go on the comp so can ya guys tell me what i got to do to set this up and make it work out and actually have a good NY TY ride thanks~

By all means I have never done this before. I would talk to MR. SLED and get some advise from him. I am thinking most motels will give you a deal if you book several rooms.Maybe call motel and get a TY rate and Let people call and book there rooms at that Rate. I think the most important thing is the riding . needs to be planed well, depending on weather some trails might be better that others.Some place you may not be able to get to unless there is snow on roads. I would think of going to tug hill area on the trip. Most of the guys ride there and several of the members have camps in that area.Maybe you can get your Dad involved? These are just my thoughts Like I said I am no expert
IDK Tug Hill is usually packed sleds on sleds, Ill start looking into rooms around Saranac Lake seeing rates, ive got the trails taken care of believe me i have a trail map on the wall in my room so i know all the trails but we also have some time before we need to seriously plan so keep comen up with idea's and ill listen~
I also want to know how many guys we really got for this if we were goin do it on MLK weekend. Im hopen more than 10 guys are willen to do it~
I don't know about going on this ride on a holiday weekend. If you really want max turnout with the intention of doing serious riding, I would recommend going during the week (Wed-Fri, with weekend riding for those who want to stick around). Having been on the TY rides in the past. These guys want to roll up the miles and avoid the crowds.

Just my 2c.
Yes i agree but not every guy can get time off duren the week just to snowmobile or school or w/e so I know the crowds suck but were goin have to deal with it~
