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2007 0r 2009 fx


Aug 26, 2006
sr viper
i am thinking about buying a phazer 2007 0r 2009 fx need to now whet yaer is the best 2007 2600 mile 2009 5000 mile cost the same

cannondale27, I don't want to hi-jack this thread, but I just bought a 2007 phazer fx today...could you please point me to a list of the updates I should check for or list them here?
An easy way to see if the factory updates are done is to get the vin number off the sled and give your Yamaha dealer the number and they should be able to look up if the updates were done by a dealer at least. That's what I did before I bought my 2007 Phazer.
When I had my dealer check the VIN number he said the wiring harness update had been done and the starter had been checked over which from my understanding was an update not a recall so I think they can check if the updates have been done.
I would strongly suggest staying away from the 2007. I had one for a few years and it was very unreliable. It is possible to do all the updates, which I did plus more and finally got so fed up I sold it. First year vehicles are notoriously unreliable no matter what the brand.
I beg to differ. I too own an 2007 GT and I have never had a problem with it in over 4000 kms. I did pay for some of the updates like the fan, tunnel closure, and wiring update but the sled has been rock solid for me. Like Cannondale said if the updates have been done it should be good to go. Just my $0.02.
That's great and I'm glad you had a good sled. However, from your post I can surmise three details that should not be overlooked. A GT has a much softer suspension so it can't be ridden as hard, second 4,000 km IMO is not very far, just one seasons worth and third Winnepeg is flat. So I deduce the sled has had an easy life. In my case,I'm in Western Newfoundland where the terrain is insane and we ride 100+ days a year. For me, the first year sled had too many faults to satisfy my demands. My good friend and an excellent rider who recently sold the dealership had a 2009 RTX and it was virtually flawless. That motor is good for a lot of miles so I would choose the sled with all the " updates" done from the factory. My 0.02.
Well I wouldn't day it has had an easy life. Just because I live near Winnipeg doesn't mean riding is flat. I have jumped, rolled, and flipped the sled many times. I have run into trees, rocks, etc. My mileage would be more but we haven't had much snow the past 2 winters.

What issues/faults did you have with your Phazer that were not fixed in updates?
Maybe Suckur didnt have a RTX or upgraded shocks so he over road his sled because other than the updates the sleds are identical.Doesnt make sense what he is saying.Nothing magical about a certain year.
two 07 mt's - one with 6500 km and no issues other than circlip on secondary clutch popped off and the electrical ground plug on the harness had to be replaced ... has run over lots of rocks, stumps, been rolled over, flatted trees ... not a charmed life! 2nd one has 4500 km and it too has had its share of abuse / use in marginal snow - all off trail km as we do not ride on any trails ....
biggest issues were the soft suspension on the mtn version and tendency to get hot in low snow / hardpack ... expected with a 2" paddle ... had the upgrades done on both .... picked up a barely used 07 GT in June for $3700 (first time I could actually use the term "mint" to described used condition.

Check for worn ball joints & busing / steering slop will be a better guide as to the better buy .... idler wheels on the 07 did not have replaceable bearings .... push for a better price on the 07 then sped the difference for the olite bushing kit for the front end.
Thanks guys for all your help I bought a 2009 Phazer With 300 miles on it For $3000 It was a guy in Ohio It was his wife sled And she just didn't driving
