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2009 Nytro chaincase help (no bolt in the drive axle)


Oct 16, 2021
Shelby twp
2007 phazer
2009 nytro
1999 xc 700
I am in process of having my shocks rebuilt and installing a new track. i took off my chaincase everything was smooth until i started reading about the reinstallation of my drive axle/chaincase. I see that my drive axle does not have a bolt that goes into the end of the drive on the chaincase side. Also as it pertains to the lower gear my chaincase has the collar as part of the chaincase not as a separate piece which i would assume that bolt is required to hold that collar into place. Was curious if that is normal or not as most of the the posts i see folks have the bolt and collar separate. (those are parts number 50 and 71 on the schematic) i am guessing it's all good but wanted to make sure before i try and put the chaincase back in place...which BTW is a royal PITA. i've tried to put it back on after i have installed all the gears/linkage etc and complete trainwreck. The case gets stuck at about half way on and i don't want to tighten the bolts and force the case on. It shouldn't be forced on correct? i can provide pics of the case and the drive shaft (which has no threads in it BTW).

any thoughts/ideas on this chaincase is really appreciated. I have looked at Ulmer's post from a few years back and that was helpful.

The shifting arm for reverse needs to be moved DURING chaincase assembly. It needs to fit in the right spot in order for the case cover to fit properly.
Like Kurt said - when you place the chaincase cover on - the two 'forks' located in the cover, need to fall over that 'pulley' where the reverse grears are. Gotta play with it a bit to get the right approach. It takes awhile, be patient.

I remember trying to place your head in all sorts of positions to get a better vantage point on it.
Good luck
Good chance the bolt broke off in the shaft at some point. Check to see if you can thead a bolt into the end. m10x1.25. Was a common issue on early year nytros. Yamaha eventually revised the shaft and end cap to prevent this. I have run them without the bolt. When you install the cover the lower bearing keeps everything together. Just a little trickier to put together when you have to compress the spring and end cap when installing the cover.
