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2012 venture GT eating belts

Take spring out of primary put cover back on and see if clutch slides in and out easy or hard, had an 05 venture that slid hard and felt no matter how i clutched it it would bind and slip when going slow, only fix would be softer belt and more aggressive curve on weights and14.5 rollers to get better squeeze on belt at slow speeds, the stock flat profile weights are not good for bottom end grip, can also try lower rate spring for more grip, just a few things to try if all else is good
So took the time and cleaned up the clutch today, it was a little dirty but nothing bad. Checked the sheave faces for wear abd they look good. The movable part of the primary seamed to slide Easy. Rode it around the yard with cover off for about a minute and the primary sheave inside clutch was too to touch.
How do I get more clamping pressure out of the primary? Thanks in advance
I still have the original belt on my 2011 Venture GT with 3K miles, something is not right with your alignment would be my guess.
I still have the original belt on my 2011 Venture GT with 3K miles, something is not right with your alignment would be my guess.
Alignment checks out,
LOL, you are asking for a blown belt at that mileage..
Gotta buddy at work that gave me his belt off his sled that had over 10k on it. Changed it because he wanted to. Same sled as mine just older.
Gotta buddy at work that gave me his belt off his sled that had over 10k on it. Changed it because he wanted to. Same sled as mine just older.

After about 3500 miles they start to dry rot and will de-laminate from the heat of driving them hard. I dont personally care how long people want to run the belt, I know based on mileage what kind of mess it makes when it blows. I just shake my head as I drive buy, guys that want to save a buck, enjoy.
Gotta buddy at work that gave me his belt off his sled that had over 10k on it. Changed it because he wanted to. Same sled as mine just older.

if you sled is blowing belts, you have alignment or clutch issues for sure.. ask @Thunder Products

Can some explain about rivet removal?
drill the head off and pop them out with a punch.
I guess I didn’t explain what I was looking for. River removal will decrease clamping force?
LOL, you are asking for a blown belt at that mileage..
Yea it might be time, but that sled gets pampered on local Burger rides. But your your probably right its time.
