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2013 Apex mcx 200 kit question ?

Dec 25, 2009
Nytro MPI Stage 1

Anyone know what this square electrical box is ? It has a bleed valve which vents to atmosphere, I’ve just pulled the hose off . I do have the AEM failsafe gauge installed and I'm wondering if it's related to that . I’m about to install a Hallman Pro XS manual boost controller and I’m not sure what the heck this does ? Also if I leave in in place which line should I T into for the controller.

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It sure looks like an electronic boost control solenoid valve, controls how much boost pressure the wastegate actuator sees. When it cycles (% duty cycle toggling on and off) it bleeds pressure to the atmosphere out that port instead of to the wastegate actuator to increase boost. When it is full closed it sends 100% of the boost pressure from the turbo to the wastegate actuator for minimum boost that the actuator opens at.
Either the MCX box controls the signal to it to control boost level, or the AEM does so when it goes into fail safe mode it forces it into the lowest boost...
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Ok that's great , do I still have control over boost pressure by adjusting the actuator rod ? Maybe I don't need the Hallman manual boost controller after all ? I am trying to get a new starting point on the minimum base actuator spring pressure setting. I went 1.5 turns in shorter from the fully closed fits easily over the pin position. Some are saying 3 turns in so I'm not sure. I will follow the wires up and see where they connect . I think it will go to the failsafe
Yea that’s definitely a 3 port boost control solinoid
You will need to remove the electronic boost controller in order to use the manual unit. Generally speaking the electronic unit will work better than a manual control if tuned properly. Why are you changing it?
Pressure line from the compressor housing or charge pipe goes into the bottom of the manual controller. The hose coming off the side of the controller goes to the wastegate. The preload on the wastegate depends on the spring inside and how much boost pressure you intend on running. I don’t mess with the preload unless I’m getting over boosting or under boosting after the controller is installed.

I just read your second post, yea send the manual unit back, you don’t need it. If you install it your failsafe won’t work.
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The AEM fail safe gauge does not control boost, it just sends a signal to the controller that there’s a problem and the controller cuts boost. I would leave everything alone if you were not having any trouble. The preload on the wastegate should be set rather light with an electronic boost controller to start with. If it’s having trouble getting up to full boost (lazy) then you can increase the preload gradually until it starts to over boost slightly. Then back it down a bit. This will give you best spool and response.
You will need to remove the electronic boost controller in order to use the manual unit. Generally speaking the electronic unit will work better than a manual control if tuned properly. Why are you changing it?
That is great info , you saved me a lot of online searching and the cost of a new boost controller. Slowly getting familiar with this new turbo sled. So with this Failsafe gauge and electronic boost controller I should be able to trigger it in the software to bleed boost at a pre set determined level ? When you set the base pre load on the waist gate rod how many turn in usually from just on fully closed ? When I got the sled it was making 4.2 - 4.4 Lbs. I turned it in 1.5 turns and it only moved a bit to 5.2 ish. I'm trying to get to 5.5 -6 on 94. I know the previous owner spent a lot on the gauge I didn't realize he did the electronic boost controller as well. Feeling good about it now. I will have to dig into the program and figure out some more of its failsafe alarm features.
Take a picture of the gauge, I believe you have a aem true boost gauge. In that case the gauge is programmable to control boost. The aem fail safe gauge does not control boost.
The mcx kits don’t have electronic boost control to the best of my knowledge.
There’s usually a model number on the back of the aem gauges, you should be able to get an online manual for it. I believe that gauge controls your boost. It sounds like you have the rod properly set, now if you just program the gauge for desired boost your good to go.
It Aem failsafe not true boost . True boost would be awesome but this is still a good gauge package for sure. All very good helpful info guys !
Instructions.....every time, lol ! The TCV is part of the MCX kit and is shown in the instructions. It connects directly to the 5th generation MCX control box. So there must be settings for boost pressure in the mxc program . Getting there now....
