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2013 yamahas...chill out

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I rode with a 2012 cat this week, we had to plan our ride around dealers so we could get hyfax installed to make it back to the house. "could you fill it up with hyfax and check the gas please" not for me thanks.
RobWarrior said:
I rode with a 2012 cat this week, we had to plan our ride around dealers so we could get hyfax installed to make it back to the house. "could you fill it up with hyfax and check the gas please" not for me thanks.

I keep hearing about hyfax wear on yamaha's....I have 2,000 miles on my slides (2007 attak gt)...and yeah they are thin...but not worn through yet.
I don't have a low snow wheel kit either....Is it just the nytros,XTX's..newer long tracks that are having this wear issue??? Studded sleds??
I don't ride sand and gravel...but the slide wear issues had me concerned when I bought this sled...I haven't had an issue with it at all though.
If I get 2000 miles out of a set of slides...I can live with that...they only cost 17.99 at my local parts store.
I have heard for year about people only getting 300 miles on a set, I bought my 07 used with 300 miles on it and they looked thin so I changed them, the new ones wore down to just before the line and then lasted 2200 miles. I changed them before this trip and the same thing down to the line in 100 miles and didn't go any further for the next 400?
Excell makes a nice wheel kit for $220 that is working really good in my friends Vector. I'll be getting that as the idler wheels everyone bitched about only getting 200 miles from are just starting to go on my sled at 2800...guess I got a good one?
Ruckus said:
Sled Dog said:
Just because you ride in back country does not make you any better than any other snomobiler out there. You also do not love the sport any more than any other rider out there. I have taken my stock 04 rx1 to revelstoke and guess what we went everywhere we wanted to and you bet the snow was deep I got stuck once but that was my mistake not the sled so what are you trying to say? Did I go to extreme chutes no but I did go anywhere in the fresh powder I wanted to with no problems. I also will warn you on calling other sledders here weekend warriors like you are some superior member or snowmobiler.
Yes, in fact backcountry riding makes you a much better snowmobiler. Love is subjective so its a moot point. Your RX1 wouldn't last 5 minutes in the terrain where we ride in western Newfoundland (check out http://www.lewishillbillies.com). The first fall line you crossed you would be stuck or at the bottom. A 700 lb sled on a 45 degree chute?...C'mon. Superior snowmobiler, no. Ride every day?...pretty much. I do about 30-40 miles a day and that takes around four intense, forearm ripping, back straining, leg aching, clothes soaking, gallon of water drinking hours to complete. Warn me all you like, its not going to change the truth. Accept the fact that Yamaha makes an excellent groomed trail machine and leave it at that. Us backcountry riders have a voice too and just because I am not a rich baby boomer doesn't mean I don't have a say in what we would want in a sled. Personally I would love to have a Nytro motor in my "other" brand but sadly its not going to happen. I'm not willing to slug around the extra 100lbs for so-called "reliability". My apologies to anyone who took offense to my weekend warrior comment. I was just really hoping Yamaha would bring it and the disappointment got the better of my emotions.


You are right in that they do make an excellent trail sled.

Some of us have just learned how to work our Yamaha's off trail I guess.
Ruckus said:
Sled Dog said:
Just because you ride in back country does not make you any better than any other snomobiler out there. You also do not love the sport any more than any other rider out there. I have taken my stock 04 rx1 to revelstoke and guess what we went everywhere we wanted to and you bet the snow was deep I got stuck once but that was my mistake not the sled so what are you trying to say? Did I go to extreme chutes no but I did go anywhere in the fresh powder I wanted to with no problems. I also will warn you on calling other sledders here weekend warriors like you are some superior member or snowmobiler.
Yes, in fact backcountry riding makes you a much better snowmobiler. Love is subjective so its a moot point. Your RX1 wouldn't last 5 minutes in the terrain where we ride in western Newfoundland (check out http://www.lewishillbillies.com). The first fall line you crossed you would be stuck or at the bottom. A 700 lb sled on a 45 degree chute?...C'mon. Superior snowmobiler, no. Ride every day?...pretty much. I do about 30-40 miles a day and that takes around four intense, forearm ripping, back straining, leg aching, clothes soaking, gallon of water drinking hours to complete. Warn me all you like, its not going to change the truth. Accept the fact that Yamaha makes an excellent groomed trail machine and leave it at that. Us backcountry riders have a voice too and just because I am not a rich baby boomer doesn't mean I don't have a say in what we would want in a sled. Personally I would love to have a Nytro motor in my "other" brand but sadly its not going to happen. I'm not willing to slug around the extra 100lbs for so-called "reliability". My apologies to anyone who took offense to my weekend warrior comment. I was just really hoping Yamaha would bring it and the disappointment got the better of my emotions.

LOL - Listen kid, just because YOU have a problem with the 4 strokes doesn't mean everyone does. I have 3 current 'heavy' sleds(new cat xf1100 turbo, 1200 gade and my old Attak). All set up for 50/50 trail/off trail riding because we do a good mix of both. Never had a problem and can guarantee I would have zero problems riding wherever you do with any of them. Do you think NL is the only place with your riding conditions/terrain? Riding talent at some point plays a big part.

I am also disappointed in Yamaha's early release but will reserve judgement until the entire lineup is revealed. My Attak is over 16,000 miles now and I would like to replace it with something from Yamaha. I don't want to give up the fabulous 4 cylinder but really need to see a new chassis before I spend the kind of coin they are asking for a new sled. ;)!
RW06GT said:
Ruckus said:
Sled Dog said:
Just because you ride in back country does not make you any better than any other snomobiler out there. You also do not love the sport any more than any other rider out there. I have taken my stock 04 rx1 to revelstoke and guess what we went everywhere we wanted to and you bet the snow was deep I got stuck once but that was my mistake not the sled so what are you trying to say? Did I go to extreme chutes no but I did go anywhere in the fresh powder I wanted to with no problems. I also will warn you on calling other sledders here weekend warriors like you are some superior member or snowmobiler.
Yes, in fact backcountry riding makes you a much better snowmobiler. Love is subjective so its a moot point. Your RX1 wouldn't last 5 minutes in the terrain where we ride in western Newfoundland (check out http://www.lewishillbillies.com). The first fall line you crossed you would be stuck or at the bottom. A 700 lb sled on a 45 degree chute?...C'mon. Superior snowmobiler, no. Ride every day?...pretty much. I do about 30-40 miles a day and that takes around four intense, forearm ripping, back straining, leg aching, clothes soaking, gallon of water drinking hours to complete. Warn me all you like, its not going to change the truth. Accept the fact that Yamaha makes an excellent groomed trail machine and leave it at that. Us backcountry riders have a voice too and just because I am not a rich baby boomer doesn't mean I don't have a say in what we would want in a sled. Personally I would love to have a Nytro motor in my "other" brand but sadly its not going to happen. I'm not willing to slug around the extra 100lbs for so-called "reliability". My apologies to anyone who took offense to my weekend warrior comment. I was just really hoping Yamaha would bring it and the disappointment got the better of my emotions.

LOL - Listen kid, just because YOU have a problem with the 4 strokes doesn't mean everyone does. I have 3 current 'heavy' sleds(new cat xf1100 turbo, 1200 gade and my old Attak). All set up for 50/50 trail/off trail riding because we do a good mix of both. Never had a problem and can guarantee I would have zero problems riding wherever you do with any of them. Do you think NL is the only place with your riding conditions/terrain? Riding talent at some point plays a big part.

I am also disappointed in Yamaha's early release but will reserve judgement until the entire lineup is revealed. My Attak is over 16,000 miles now and I would like to replace it with something from Yamaha. I don't want to give up the fabulous 4 cylinder but really need to see a new chassis before I spend the kind of coin they are asking for a new sled. ;)!

Exaktly, my Phazer MTX performce just as good if not better then my "friends" summit 600 (XP) and switchback 700 with a 44mm lug track, in the backcountry. Infact I was the one leading and they followed in my track... :yam:
RobWarrior said:
I rode with a 2012 cat this week, we had to plan our ride around dealers so we could get hyfax installed to make it back to the house. "could you fill it up with hyfax and check the gas please" not for me thanks.

Cat tried to take to much weight off the procross. I ate my first set of hyfax as well. Added two wheels just behind the second set of wheels. Put 500 miles on last week with zero wear.

Todd you'd be on a cat to if you could have found someone to buy your nytro. I think it's funny how you leave that off the table.

To date just speaking for the sled itself this cat walks circles on any Yamaha I've owned. If I put it in a garage next to a apex the apex hands down looks the part over the cat. Take the on the trail and there is no comparison. I can ride this cat through the bumps like a nytro sit back and cruise for 250 miles like an apex, run it through a corner like an srx, pull out on the lake and walk the field like a 20k turbo charged Yamaha.
RW06GT said:
LOL - Listen kid...
First of all, I'm 41 and have been riding snowmobiles for 35 years, but thanks for the compliment. Second, from your avitar 50/50 seems to mean snow and dirt. Third, I don't have a problem with 4 strokes, just heavy, ill handling sleds. Fourth, if you were to go riding with me, which one of your 3 sleds would you ride? My bet is it would not be the attack. Anyways again, my apologies to anyone is offended by my opinion but as a (former) Yamaha owner and a paying VIP member, my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I have never, ever dissed Yamaha for their engines, longevity or quality, only their poor handling characteristics and unnecessary obesity in off-trail conditions. I really hope Yamaha makes me eat my words in March because if they do come out with something awesome, I will be back on board next year.
boritzer1234 said:
09nytro said:
Its snowing in grayling ... got about 3" need more ....

Wish it'd be snowing in Midwest Wisconsin!
Tryed to change the mood but then ruckus shows up (name fits I guess ) and get people all pee off ..... been snowing off and on all day . I just wish I could ride as good as people SAY they can .... Hahahahaha
I'll put up with extra weight for that Yami Nytro ENGINE...but....

I ride trail and off trail, and I'd echo Ruckus: Yami need to look at their "chassis" performance, not engine or driveline. Why? They are falling behind the curve.

Example: Yami Skid: 68 - 71lbs, Arctic Skid: 40 - 50 lbs, and btw, the ac skid is at least 5 years old. I use them both and you can't break either one, so why the extra 25 - 30 lbs for a yami skid???

Example: Nytro Fuel Tank. High and small. Arctic, Skidoo and Polaris all big and low. You going to tell me you can't adjust a piece of plastic? The room is there, I have allready considered fabricating my own tank out of fiberglass.

Example: Seat Assembly. Too many pieces...complex and heavy. Agian, skidoo, ac and polaris integrate seat with tank.

Please do not confuse my comments with complaints. What I am saying is building sleds is an evolution of ideas, but sometimes you need to get in front: i.e. Polaris belt drive in the 2013 RMK and sometimes you follow: ac/pol/brp seat/tank. Why? because some ideas SIMPLY make too much sense and you can't ignore them.

Yamaha just needs to do this better, and in some cases they have..sort of: I have a 2011 MTX and the stock suspension doesn't wear hyfax. Upon closer inspection, I realized they have moved the mounting position of the idler wheels down a couple of millimeters and voila, a longer lasting hyfax. Simple and effective, good job Yami.

But it happened on the 2011 and not the 2009, a year after they 2008 Nytro intro. Why 2 years to move a bolt hole? If you need testers Yamaha: please call me, my friends and I put alot of miles on each year, and can expidite the process of confirming these production changes.

I still love my Nytro(s) as they have the BEST engine/transmission package out there for me...by far. But as each year passes, and the overall improvements are very slow forthcoming, that advantage diminishes and the overall value of the Yami package declines.

Will I switch brands? Increasingly yes. And believe me, I understand that I will have to put up with their shortcomings too (like another annoying/exploding 2 smoke engine).

What I am hoping is that Yamaha understands a fundamental rule of marketing: It is easier to keep a customer than to regain one. So my guess is something is coming down the pipeline.....SOON!

Ruckus said:
Sled Dog said:
Just because you ride in back country does not make you any better than any other snomobiler out there. You also do not love the sport any more than any other rider out there. I have taken my stock 04 rx1 to revelstoke and guess what we went everywhere we wanted to and you bet the snow was deep I got stuck once but that was my mistake not the sled so what are you trying to say? Did I go to extreme chutes no but I did go anywhere in the fresh powder I wanted to with no problems. I also will warn you on calling other sledders here weekend warriors like you are some superior member or snowmobiler.
Yes, in fact backcountry riding makes you a much better snowmobiler. Love is subjective so its a moot point. Your RX1 wouldn't last 5 minutes in the terrain where we ride in western Newfoundland (check out http://www.lewishillbillies.com). The first fall line you crossed you would be stuck or at the bottom. A 700 lb sled on a 45 degree chute?...C'mon. Superior snowmobiler, no. Ride every day?...pretty much. I do about 30-40 miles a day and that takes around four intense, forearm ripping, back straining, leg aching, clothes soaking, gallon of water drinking hours to complete. Warn me all you like, its not going to change the truth. Accept the fact that Yamaha makes an excellent groomed trail machine and leave it at that. Us backcountry riders have a voice too and just because I am not a rich baby boomer doesn't mean I don't have a say in what we would want in a sled. Personally I would love to have a Nytro motor in my "other" brand but sadly its not going to happen. I'm not willing to slug around the extra 100lbs for so-called "reliability". My apologies to anyone who took offense to my weekend warrior comment. I was just really hoping Yamaha would bring it and the disappointment got the better of my emotions.

So that said then you could easily keep up with any trail rider no problem simply because you ride back country? I know some guys on here would leave you so fast on the trails it would make your head spin and you would end up in the trees trying to catch them. You may be better at riding in deep stuff but dont think for a minute you ride trials better than anyone else just becasue you do. That said again it does not make you a superior rider in all aspects of riding. I think if my rx1 did alright in Revy it would do alright there as well. Like I told you in my other posts I did not do chutes in Revy nor would I there. I am a big guy and I can make it go where I want it too. If your to small to be able to make a heavier sled go where you want it to dont blame the sled for it, its just not for you. :Rockon:
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