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Could it be a 2 stroke hpdi 600cc for us none groomed riders ? and also lighter than a anorexic.....100% percent of the time i ride off trail and boy my 4 stroke can't handle the truth of none groomed trails.If yamaha does....hey,i'm back JACK
You guys are scaring me saying that Yamaha may team up with cat for chassis. That will never happen. The cat chassis are so flimsy, Yamaha would have to beef up everything to bring it up to their standards. Has everyone forgot the Firecat disaster with the spit that kept happening between the 2 clutches or the crossfires with the tunnels bending after regular use?
When you go to the 2014 manufacturer shows, try lifting one of the cats by the front bumper, it flexes and will probably bend if you had 2 guys trying to lift it in the deep snow.
This is a bad bad idea.
mryamaha said:
You guys are scaring me saying that Yamaha may team up with cat for chassis. That will never happen. The cat chassis are so flimsy, Yamaha would have to beef up everything to bring it up to their standards. Has everyone forgot the Firecat disaster with the spit that kept happening between the 2 clutches or the crossfires with the tunnels bending after regular use?
When you go to the 2014 manufacturer shows, try lifting one of the cats by the front bumper, it flexes and will probably bend if you had 2 guys trying to lift it in the deep snow.
This is a bad bad idea.

Ran into a group of guys I know when riding last week. Group of 12 of them all mixed Polaris, Ski-doo, Cat and Yamaha. This coming from the Polaris guy "Looking at the Cat before riding for the morning, said the tunnel looked funny. They look closer and the tunnel was buckled. Never hit anything. Cat guy phone's his dealer. dealer says yea its a common problem. Bring it in when you get back from your vacation and we'll put another tunnel on it" So obviously its common.
2012 trip. 2 cats and my Yamaha apex

Day 1 cat 1 breaks rear a arm in half.
Day 2 all day at shop fixing it.
Day 3 start riding cat 2 melts a piston
Day 4 drive home

Summer 2012

Change oil in my Yamaha

January 2013

2 cats and a Yamaha

Day 1 cat 1 over heats blows head gasket 2011 turbo BTW
Day 2 cat 2 (brand new BTW) won't start or turn over.
Day 3 cat 1 back on road $800 in repairs now leaking gas into crank case back in shop. Cat 2 starts after 4-5 turn with key.
Day 4 drive home.

February 2013

I just changed the oil on my apex. $50
Don't forget the weak drive shafts that snap and reverse gears that grenade on the 1100 Turbo. Both of my buddies that have one replaced their drive shafts as a preventative measure and both are running without reverse right now because of the bad gears. Can anyone name a Yamaha sled that has had any type of an issue like this in the past 10 years? Makes our cooler hand warmers and quick wearing hyfax seem quite trivial in comparison.....
AC probably will use Yamaha engines which is AOk with me don't care never buy 1 anyway. As long as Yamaha builds sleds to Yam specs even if taking tech from AC & improved I'm ok with that. The warranty will mean a lot in both cases if they have faith in any AC tech then the 5 year warranty will stay intact. If 1 year warranty Yam knows there can or will be problems & in unchartered waters.
mryamaha said:
You guys are scaring me saying that Yamaha may team up with cat for chassis. That will never happen. The cat chassis are so flimsy, Yamaha would have to beef up everything to bring it up to their standards. Has everyone forgot the Firecat disaster with the spit that kept happening between the 2 clutches or the crossfires with the tunnels bending after regular use?
When you go to the 2014 manufacturer shows, try lifting one of the cats by the front bumper, it flexes and will probably bend if you had 2 guys trying to lift it in the deep snow.
This is a bad bad idea.

Ran into a group of guys I know when riding last week. Group of 12 of them all mixed Polaris, Ski-doo, Cat and Yamaha. This coming from the Polaris guy "Looking at the Cat before riding for the morning, said the tunnel looked funny. They look closer and the tunnel was buckled. Never hit anything. Cat guy phone's his dealer. dealer says yea its a common problem. Bring it in when you get back from your vacation and we'll put another tunnel on it" So obviously its common.

The rear tunnel on the '12 ProCross AC's do have a buckling issue but its not really caused by chassis flex. AC had the great idea to space the tunnel length heat exchangers about 3/8" or so from the top of the tunnel. I think the idea was that this would permit snow to get at all 4 sides of the exchanger and then they could get away with a smaller lighter cooler. Well cold snow coming off spinning track hits hot cooler and then of course melts to water and slush. Shut sled down after use in sub freezing temps for a while and the slush and water of course freeze. Fourth grade science class teaches us that when water freezes it expands. On one side we have forged aluminum heat exchanger and on the other side thin sheet aluminum. Heat exchanger wins and tunnel buckles. 2013 ProCross has a redesigned flat tunnel and there is a retrofit kit available for the '12 sleds. Some dealers warrenty it but most make customer pay.
Sounds like cmharcou had quite the sled vacations!
