All these Japanese Companies are too conservation IMO. Look at the ATV and SXS industry. You have Polaris and Can Am with 100 HP sxs's and 85 HP Atv's with all sorts of variations.

Kawasaki makes the most powerful Japanese machines at 50 HP and Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha all make less.

Polaris and Can Am are giving consumers what they want. They are trying to fill every niche possible.

I'm not saying these Japanese companies need to come out with 100 HP machines but come on. Throw us a bone here! There is no reason why Yamaha could not have offered the factory installed MPI kits on all vipers for $2,500 more. Call it a different model and be done with it!
Vote with your dollar...don't buy a Yamaha. Then Yamaha might do something, or just get out of the sledding business.

According to ISMA, they only have 5% of the market, so now they are losing the true die hard Yamaha enthusiasts and it will be difficult to entice buyers back.


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Wow, Yamaha sleds sales appear to be in big trouble. Thank God I am not a Yamaha dealer when looking at those numbers. However, if Yamaha were to offer turbo's, lighter sleds etc (what customer's want) then I am confident it wouldn't be very hard to entice customers back. Regardless, Ski doo products seem extremely hard to compete with.
As the kids say, haters will hate! :die

Don't get me wrong, I love my nytro xtx. Yes, I am sad to see it go and to see even more Cat influence in our beloved yamaha sleds than last year, but I am not sounding the alarm or jumping ship. Actually, now more than ever I would consider another brand; Cat or Yamaha.

That all being said, new Viper XTX LE looks like a great sled for my riding, thanks Yamaha!!

:4STroke: :Rockon:
Regardless what yamaha came out with in 15, i was planning to put my 09 xtx up for sale priced to sell, around the second week of march, It is time to try a different sled, I am really up in the air on what model or brand to choose, have been riding Yamahas for 30 years, Really want to stick with yamaha ,but I normally have to keep my sleds for 4-5 years, what is the parts situation going to be like for these yamacats in a couple years? I have been looking at doos, but black and yellow just dont doo it for me, plus the prices are overwhelming for a low income person, going to be a tough few months of decison making :o|
Just picked up a 12 1100 t and put the OSP engine bump stop and OSP jack shaft bump stop and got the engine aligned and put over 900 miles on a belt so they can be fixed
Grimm said:
Vote with your dollar...don't buy a Yamaha. Then Yamaha might do something, or just get out of the sledding business.

According to ISMA, they only have 5% of the market, so now they are losing the true die hard Yamaha enthusiasts and it will be difficult to entice buyers back.

This shows that yamaha makes for reliable sleds
Rockstar said:
Grimm said:
According to ISMA, they only have 5% of the market,.

Here is 1 huge reason for Yamaha's poor sales.


Well they "kinda" fixed that this year with all the "new" variations. They really need to move to a unified chassis though. And as others have said, they could have offered the turbo kit factory installed and had sold it as a seperate model. Toss In a new 100hp twin called exciter or venom and have a 3rd base model
Just went to my dealer and turned in my Nytro X-ride MTX 2013 for a Viper XTX LE :) Cant wait to get it!
Grimm said:
Vote with your dollar...don't buy a Yamaha. Then Yamaha might do something, or just get out of the sledding business.

According to ISMA, they only have 5% of the market, so now they are losing the true die hard Yamaha enthusiasts and it will be difficult to entice buyers back.
Wow! Yamaha is on its way out of the sled biz for sure. Only making the vector and apex still is maybe because there is no new investment involved with those 2 machines. Done with the nytro, phazer will be next. Only thing "new" isnt new at all. They supply engines and deivetrains and yamaha graphics. Thats it. I cant blame them as a company to not invest big $$ in all new sole yamaha sleds. 5% of sales?? Makes no sense to spend money on a dieing segment of your business.

I already jumped ship about 3 weeks ago. Previously sleds starting in 1996 were a 1983 srv, a 1999 vmax 600, 2002 viper, 2003 rx-1, 2004 rx warrior, then
Back to a 2002 viper, then a 2006 apex gt, then finally a
2011 apex se. Ive been faithful for 17.5 years. But it was time for me to try something new and different. And so far i am happy and having a blast. I hope yami isnt done for. I hope they come out with something great, like srx or sx viper or apex type "blown away" factor. But its not looking
Maybe great winters, similar to the one we're having, is what Yamaha is banking on to re-introduce a whole new line-up of machines within the next few seasons. Sorry gents, I'm staying optimistic that Yamaha will not bow out so easily.

As far as the '15 lineup goes....You knew the Apex, Vector, Phazer and Nytro were gonna go unchanged. That's been Yamaha's trend the last handful of years. As far as the Vipers go, I like them! I like the LE's a bunch! It's different for Yamaha. If the partnership with Cat pushes the sport forward and brings a great quality product to the consumer, I really don't care where or who builds the machine.
I think you guys are all crazy! :yam:
Yes we got a 153/162 yamacat..... But you all know just as well as I do it is lighter, handles better and is a proven chassis! You could have another year of the nytro mtx heavy and weak front end ect.....
Sit down and look at what we really got!
1) option of a CHEAP TURBO (Yamaha has to cover their #*$&@ with a 6000ft disclaimer)
2) longer track lengths with real tracks under them
3) good shock packages stock :Rockon:
4) a solid engine, not the biggest hp but look at the aftermarket goodies all ready out for it.
5) when was the last time you ever saw a Yamaha promo vid show a machine in the air or even have the track off the ground?? apex NOPE, nytro NOPE , phazer NOPE, viper YES (they are confident in this machine!)
I was the first to hate on the yamacat and the merger and still DO NOT LIKE IT, but they have put out a great machine that does appeal to most riders (minus the trail guys) **wish you guys got a new apex***
No matter how much we don't like this new line up we should all at least try to take one for a ride in the demo program then make our minds up.
I will be in revy this weekend testing out all these new machines out and I will give you the good and bad report as soon as I get back...
cant wait to try the new boosted 162 !!!!!! :4STroke:
Oh well may have to buy a doo if they release a mach z 4 stoke. I will not by another 2 stroke. I am sick of changing pistons and cylinders! And that is every brand 2 stroke if you run them hard. If not apex still is a great sled that is hard to beat on a groomed trail. Speaking of that I put on about 1500 miles this year all over WI and have not yet been on a truly ruff trail. But seems like every on wants a tall tippy stand up snowcross sleds?? I love out running them stand up drivers on groomed trails! They don't get it. You need to lean and be low on a sled on high speed groomed trails.
