2016 Models

No real way to improve on purrfection after the XTX.
Why is that?
Every time I ride a Ski-Doo I am surprised how twitchy they are---very uncomfortable at high speeds. They are so light they react to EVERY trail irregularity. I guess I like a little weight to my sleds ( weight=stability). After riding a four stroke for so long and getting used to the power they make as soon as the clutch pinches the belt, you can really feel the lack of torque in the 2 strokes. It's like they need to wind up to make there power. That and it seems like you sit on TOP of the sled.
I started using foam ear plugs last season and it really improves the riding experience. Engine drone, track howl, and wind noise all reduced. Super cheap too.
well I like my turbo Nytro with wrp seat and lake effect risor for riding position better than my xs chassis XRS but I spent around 10thousand in addition to the cost of the sled to make it work like it should have in the first place. Turbo, concept a-arms, 128 relocation, 136rail extension, 144 backcountry track, prologger, pc5, hid, pilot 6.9 skis, ice scratchers, tunnel heat exchanger, ohlins rear shocks, Elka stage 5 front shocks, clutch kit, hand warmer boost, tunnel ext, and more. I like the sled a lot but I cant fix the tunnel icing and in turn its hard to set up the rear suspension to work correctly because of the extra 50lb brick of ice that's in the tunnel. So I ride my 15 XRS with the awesome rmotion suspension on cold days or days that the trails have hardpack and ride the Nytro on warmer days and after it snows and its fun off trail. Im not the type of guy that wants to spend money on making my sled work but the Nytro with turbo is intoxicating.
Getting rid of the drone would be a start!!!! it was one of the top reasons for selling mine and going back to the 3 cylinder

Drone! What drone? All I hear is that sweet 4 banger sound! There is something that may be a drone at 30mph but I nothing I would ever get rid of my sled over, I'd wear earplugs first! Probably something we all should do cause at 60 mph the wind noise is probably over 88 decibles!
Drone! What drone? All I hear is that sweet 4 banger sound! There is something that may be a drone at 30mph but I nothing I would ever get rid of my sled over, I'd wear earplugs first! Probably something we all should do cause at 60 mph the wind noise is probably over 88 decibles!
I could not agree more about wearing ear plugs. They are awesome for cutting out the wind noise but it lets you hear the engine and exhaust. It lets me feel like I'm more in tune to what the engine is doing. Give it a try and I guarentee that you will always do the same. Some guys wear ear buds for the same benefits plus they listen to music, but I prefer the ear plugs and listening to the sweet songs my Nytro sings!
She only rattles at idle. And seriously, who sit around listening to a sled like this idle?:dunno:
After warmup you have to keep your thumb on the happy button!;)!
Getting rid of the drone would be a start!!!! it was one of the top reasons for selling mine and going back to the 3 cylinder

The drone still exists in my 3 cyl and earplugs don't help.
Venom is a new 98hp Phazer...

Yamaha has let the trademark name "Venom" expire, but I did see a new trademark name... "SINGLESHOT". I wonder what that term could refer to?
With about a week left I'm putting my chips down on a turbo 3cyl motor. I've heard it locally and around. With all of the kits purchased, it just makes sense. The demand is (was) there.

My questions are:

What about the Apex?

It seems a lot of Vipers have been sold in general and a good amount turboed, so is there still a big demand for this kind of model? I myself have held out so far, but I know a lot who pulled the trigger in 14 and 15.
