2021 Release?

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There are so many guys in our region that buy mountain sleds only to travel out west. It makes me damn sick for sure. Yes, they are well aware of their sea level performance. In fact, my buddy just put his FreeRide 850 154" up for sale once he got back with his new 850T Summit. He knew going in that it would perform exactly like his current sled at sea level, but would be much better at elevation. He has no intentions of riding it locally.

He rode one time with us in MN with his FreeRide this year. He clutched it for local riding. But that was only because we had just received a 15" dump of new snow. Otherwise, they sit between mountain trips.

Way back when I bought my Apex XTX, it was purchased by a guy who thought he was buying a mountain sled. Put on 198 miles and traded it in for a real mountain sled. The dealer thought he wanted a trail/crossover sled. It blows me away how many mountain specific sleds are sold locally here! 90% of them will never see MN snow!!

So to answer your question, these new Doo's are designed to perform like a stock 850 at sea level, and wick up when needed at elevation. It truly is not just marketing hype, and not the same as just adding an aftermarket turbo on a current sled. My buddy was pitched hard by the BRP guys obviously.
Thats because the winters in Minnesota suck and people want to ride so its either head west where the snow is 10ft deep or fight the crowds in the the UP. Good winters in this state are getting further apart s if you want good snow those are your only options. I'm one of the guys that lives in MN and owns a mountain sled. I will trail ride it around home if the snow is decent but it does spend some time sitting. Its paid off so I don't really care. Once you ride out west you will never want to ride in Minnesota again. Doo created an awesome sled that I think will be the future of mountain sleds.
I can't believe you all are talking about the handle bars it is a pic of an old sled not the new one. It's pretty obvious what it is gonna be,a rebadged Blast not that hard to figure out. It will be a called an Enticer 400 and probably more money than the Blast. Probably have a little better warranty. My only question is were are the sneak peek pics of this new chassis that every one is talking about.
I can't believe you all are talking about the handle bars it is a pic of an old sled not the new one. It's pretty obvious what it is gonna be,a rebadged Blast not that hard to figure out. It will be a called an Enticer 400 and probably more money than the Blast. Probably have a little better warranty. My only question is were are the sneak peek pics of this new chassis that every one is talking about.
We will see in a month....
Deeppow16 I personally could care less about long track machine and there is no way I'd waste my money on one of those machines unless I lived out there. There is no need to go to the UP and ride crowded rail road grades when there are plenty of excellent groomed trails in northern wi. Trails in my neck of the woods are in great condition and great mix of trails from woods trails to lakes. My biggest problems is people are buying these mountain machines and driving them on the trails and every chance they get there going off trail and pissing off land owners and that's how trail get closed.
Deeppow16 I personally could care less about long track machine and there is no way I'd waste my money on one of those machines unless I lived out there. There is no need to go to the UP and ride crowded rail road grades when there are plenty of excellent groomed trails in northern wi. Trails in my neck of the woods are in great condition and great mix of trails from woods trails to lakes. My biggest problems is people are buying these mountain machines and driving them on the trails and every chance they get there going off trail and pissing off land owners and that's how trail get closed.
If I could live out west and make the money I make I would already be there. Thats about the only reason I'm still in MN. I do agree with you on the going off trail part and pissing land owners off. People need to respect the land the are on. I don't want to point any fingers but these damn high school kids think they can ride anything. I'm a young guy (26) and it even pisses me off seeing tracks where there shouldn't be. I ride where I know I can legally.
I can't believe you all are talking about the handle bars it is a pic of an old sled not the new one. It's pretty obvious what it is gonna be,a rebadged Blast not that hard to figure out. It will be a called an Enticer 400 and probably more money than the Blast. Probably have a little better warranty. My only question is were are the sneak peek pics of this new chassis that every one is talking about.

We are talking about the handlebars, as Yamaha is known to do a flashback of a previous model before announcing the new one. The old handlebars are a clue as to the naming of the new model.

So far, chrome mini ape hangers were used on the Enticer and Bravo (many others as well) and blacked out mini-apes on the SnoSport. We are looking at it so intently just to determine if the new sled will be "named" Enticer, Bravo or SnoSport. If Jaret's video is any indication, it will be an Enticer. I don't think there is any argument that it will be a rebadged blast. As any other option is just dreaming of what we want to see.

I'm just happy that we didn't see a vintage photo of an inviter show up. Oh lord, just shoot me. They would be very recognizable.

The most telling thing so far is that last years "speculation" post had over 200 pages and this year we have not hit 30 yet. With Cat having announced 2021 already and Ski Doo tomorrow there is less and less left for Yamaha.
bravo&enticer are no longer trademarked..they just trademarked sxvenom and snosport last year!!so there are your 2 choices
I want to believe that it's not going to be a badge engineered Blast for 20% more $. I hope it's not going to be a badge engineered Cat product for 20% more $.
If it's a yamablast at least give us a headlight attached to the steering post like the first phazer! And an option of telescope front end
Well it looks like they are fixing under the hood, so maybe a two-stroke is coming back.......
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