2021 Release?

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2021 Transporter 800

The needs of snowmobilers who use their machines as a way of life are vastly different than those who seek the thrill and adventure of recreational riding. Yamaha has a deep understanding of what it takes to get the job done in the extremes of winter. The simple design and dependability of the technically advanced Transporter 800 articulated long track fill these needs. At its heart is a reliable 2-stroke, 794cc engine with back-up recoil starting. Purposeful attributes like a rugged storage rack, sturdy tow hitch, long range fuel capacity and functional protection from the elements are all provided to fit those special needs
I think you're dreaming! Unfortunately it looks like yammi and cat are content being at the bottom of the sled market.

Seems to me they will continue to lose buyers to Doo and polaris. When I need my viper replaced and don't want to go to a sidewinder that leaves me choosing between Doo turbo and polaris new 650.

I just want to first at something today so here it goes. “This is not the whole lineup. They’re probably holding back something.”
Did I just see a single cylinder 400cc sled with a price tag over $10,000 CDN??
I don’t know Chris Reid personally, but followed his blog. He seemed like a very straight forward thoughtful guy. Would not surprise me one bit if one of the biggest reasons he retired was because he knew there was no way to positively spin this sh*tshow for the rest of his career. That and Yamaha clearly doesn’t need a product development team.
This has to be extremely embarrassing for the snowmobile team at Yamaha. I mean imagine if Chevy’s new lineup was nothing more than different color Fords. Laughing stock of engineers around the world.
I have to agree, unless Yamaha is holding back something, pretty much everything in their line up except for a couple you can get the same from Cat but cheaper, Craig Kennedy is smiling, its dark where Jarets head is.
CTEC in the Mountain Max

  • 165 HP Class 2-Stroke Engine
  • Drop Rolled Chaincase and Tunnel
  • New Mountain Single Beam Suspension
  • Premium Fox 1.5 Zero QS3 Front Shocks
  • 165-Inch PowerClaw Track
  • TEAM Drive System
  • Electonic Reverse
I don’t know Chris Reid personally, but followed his blog. He seemed like a very straight forward thoughtful guy. Would not surprise me one bit if one of the biggest reasons he retired was because he knew there was no way to positively spin this sh*tshow for the rest of his career. That and Yamaha clearly doesn’t need a product development team.
Couldn't agree more ... Have had the same thought many times before. I think CR saw the writing on the wall and exited because the timing was right for him. Should send a message to anyone thinking there is hope for Yamaha's sled division.
Potential buyers of the 2021 2-stroke offerings (the 800cc, 600cc, 400cc Mountain Max, Transporter & Venom sleds) don't even get YAMAHA made YSRC clutches!? They truly are just a rebaged sled.. that hurts Yamaha. That hurts.
CTEC in the Mountain Max

  • 165 HP Class 2-Stroke Engine
  • Drop Rolled Chaincase and Tunnel
  • New Mountain Single Beam Suspension
  • Premium Fox 1.5 Zero QS3 Front Shocks
  • 165-Inch PowerClaw Track
  • TEAM Drive System
  • Electonic Reverse
Can't we buy that exact sled, Engine and clutching from AC for a few grand cheaper?
CTEC in the Mountain Max

  • 165 HP Class 2-Stroke Engine
  • Drop Rolled Chaincase and Tunnel
  • New Mountain Single Beam Suspension
  • Premium Fox 1.5 Zero QS3 Front Shocks
  • 165-Inch PowerClaw Track
  • TEAM Drive System
  • Electonic Reverse
Wow...how disappointing.Im out.Next sled will be another brand.Ill throw my support behind a brand that deserves it not whatever this is.
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