24 Hour Trail Thru Muni


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 13, 2003
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Schofield, WI
2020 Sidewinder SRX
I am trying to get some feedback from everyone about problems that you may have had with snowmobiling thru Muni late evenings or the law enforcement giving you problems when going thru Munising MI.
MrSled said:
I am trying to get some feedback from everyone about problems that you may have had with snowmobiling thru Muni late evenings or the reinforcement giving you problems when going thru Munising MI.

Never had a problem myself. Have they ever given you a hard tom Tom?
Personally I have never had a problem in Munising. But I know a few people who have and I've heard dozens of second hand tales. I heard Munising is considering opening up alot more of downtown this coming winter to snowmobilers.

Tom, My feeling is if the folks in Munising have the routes well marked and the rules clearly stated I don't see any problems. Maybe they have a a big "Welcome to Munising" sign with the hours and rules. Maybe even a speed limit. (its not like it would be anywhere near as long as the speed limit in chocolay twp in Marquette) From what I remember everyone's biggest complaint was the Snowmobile hours of operation in Munising.

This is great news and I hope it all works out.
I stop riding in that area because of all the BS I would get over there. I have been riding on the western side of the state for over 4 years and no BS. To give you a little example 5 of us came out of a bar after getting some supper and playing some pool. We get pull over 100 feet from the bar for drunk driving the officer said. MY GROUP OF GUYS DON'T DRINK AND RIDE. We all took the tests they give us and we all pass them. They said we were in a bar so they thought we would be drunk. just because we came out of a bar we were drink what kind of BS is that.
Tom , have you had any problems in munising yourself? just curious.
I myself have not but have heard actual stories and they are mostly about
the curfew law or just not following the basic rules .
Rich Kay.
Back in the early 90's they were hard on snowmobilers so it sounds like things still havent changed much. The last time I was hassled in Muni was 2001.
A few years (2006-7) ago our group went to Muni on what was supposed to be a one night stay durring a backpack trip. Well on the way to we had trouble with a sled loosing a shock bolt. We were able to make it to the Best Western around 11:30pm maybe later I can't remember. We didn't get any grief from anyone about the time but it was difficult at best to find our way. The nest morning, more problems with another sled (chaincase), with the tools we had brought and some loned from the Doo rental place at the hotel we were able to get her going again. The guys in that shop were very cool and made it possible. Later on we had to run to the Yam/Doo dealer up in Christmas, the trail was next to impossible to find, there were signs, through the streets stating "No Sleds" and some arrows here and there as to which way we were alowed to go but then it suddenly ended. The marking was horrible and of course the cops were circling. I have no desire to ride were I'm not supposed to, just mark it well and more importantly mark the route that should be used. Luckily there was a friendly homeowner at the deadend of the road we went down and he showed us the way with is Ranger or Rhino, very cool.

Two years later we were back through and it seemed as though the trail marking issues had mostly been resolved, mostly. Again no issues with the time which we were riding, but it was dirring what I would consider normal hours so it's hard to say.

That 25 MPH speed limit near Marquette is a killer, I've nearly fallen asleep there on two occasions.
I haven't been through Muni largely because of the poor feedback I have seen on it through the net.

My advice for them would be dont let a few bad seeds dictate the rules.

Yes the 25mph speed limit is freaking insane, its soo hard to go that slow.
I've been riding there for alot of years before I had the guts to go into downtown just because I don't want to get caught where I'am not suppose to be and somehow tarnish the sport but when I did a quick look at the area trail map (downtown street blow-up) it made it real easy to get around and was marked as the map indicated. I have been in town many times since with no problems just know ALL the rules. You will get attention by speeding and after hours visits . Some of these routes as you come off the main trail come very close to some homes and even I would not like it after 11:00 pm either. and yea you will get a cop thinking ya been drinking and riding it's been going on for alot of years !!So... I think all in all it has worked well ,there are alot of towns that would not allow sleds at all, we've seen that!
Rich Kay.
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen It's Angela "Little Chicken Wing" from up at the Comfort Inn in Munising. Mr. Sled is trying to help me out a little bit cause we are really trying to get a 24 hours trail that goes through town so you won't have to worry about that curfew if you want to head in to Munising for anything (dinner, a quick ride, gas, socialize) later at night. Now one of the factors in getting the 24 hour trail approved is what will the cops do to these snowmobilers. I am sure if you haven't experienced it yourself you have heard some horror stories about our city police officers. So what I am looking for is some stories about them harassing snowmobilers. That way I have some ammo when I to speak with the city commission about everything. This has been something we have been fighting for ever since they took the trail out and slapped on a curfew and hopefully with your help we can get it back in place. Thank you all in advance for your help! I can't wait for the snow to start flying so TY can get back up here! By the way we will have a brand new bar for you guys this year Enjoy the rest of your summer, hope to see you all soon
I drive a delivery truck and I am in munising once a week. This winter while at a customers house all you could hear was the echo through the hills. The trail came up near his house but on the other side of the hill. There is a subdivision just out of sight of the trail. We stood there talking about sleds for long enough that it was apparent the only problem sleds were ones with aftermarket pipes on them. He was upset about the noise.
Pipes are ilegal, they close trails.
As far as the speed limit it's there for a reason that trail is so close to being closed. Marquette isn't the sled friendliest out there, but this season will be a little better.

I have never had a problem sleding through munising. I live was through there almost every weekend.
My only anoyance was the speed grooming. Saturday at noon can't be the best time to groom.

Sorry if this is hard to read I'm on my iPhone.

I stay in Wetmore and avoid Munising , Bp gas and a whole lots of nice places to stay and shop.

Props to Laura at the Comfort Inn , they also have a great happy hour for the after ride. :Rockon:

I never had a problem myself but know others that have , that was due to running a lttle to hot down H-58.

I would like to know how to get out of the new Holiday Inn to trail 8 , looks like a chore to me.

Munising needs to keep running the shuttle bus that does the pub crawl Great Idea!
angiegerou said:
I can't wait for the snow to start flying so TY can get back up here! By the way we will have a brand new bar for you guys this year Enjoy the rest of your summer, hope to see you all soon
A NEW BAR?! SWEET!!!! lol... Can't wait to see you angain Angela and thanks for the help with the trail!
I unforunately have no horror stories about being harrassed by the cops and that is mainly because of the stories I have heard from others about riding in town. We just stay away and avoid the downtown area to help keep us out of any potential problems or harrassment. If things were different We would spend our money down town but until then I think we will play it safe!
Hi Ang.

We were riding in a group of 8 sleds. Trying to get back to one of those other hotels down the street from yours. Not sure how many years ago this happened, but it was when the trail came into Muni by the small motel and sledders had to go past the houses. Unlike now where the trail comes out by the Citgo.
Anyway. We were towing a sled back he ran out of fuel. We get to town by the motel and one of Muni's finest stops us. Said the trail was closed for the night and would have to go back to trail 8. He saw we were towing a dead sled. He did not care. We told we just needed some fuel for the sled. Nope did not care. We even offered to have just one sled go get the fuel. NOPE. 2 guys stayed with the dead sled. The rest of us ran back. All the way back down 419 to 7 to trail 8. Then back to the oppisite side of 419 and back to the BP. We got a fuel can 2 of us ran the fuel back. If I remember right this all happened around 10:30 on a Sat night.
We got the sleds back to the hotel. It was late.
As you know we still come and stay with you at the Comfort Inn. We still do not go into town for anything. We do not ride there and we do not drive the truck there.
As if the dislike towards sledders was not enough. The general attitude towards me and my friends. Seemed like they just did not want us there. So we do not go into town. We bring everything with us from home.
I would rather spend my hard earned $$ with people the appreciate it.
Ang. I have one more but my fingers are tired. If it will help the cause PM me

