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3rd window closed or open windows? Which is easier on hyfax?


TY 4 Stroke God
Mar 19, 2005
I just read through a bunch of threads and while everyone has an opinion, nobody seems to have settled on what the right answer is. Here's what Tracks USA has to say from their FAQ's:

What about a "3rd-window-closed" snowmobile track?

"The 3rd-window-closed design was initially introduced about 1997 in a 1.250 track for snowcross racing as a method to reduce weight and retain snow in the skid frame for lubrication. A 121" track of the 3rd-window-closed design weighs about 2 pounds less than a fully clipped track. I have never seen a 3rd-window-closed snowmobile track show any signs of wear in the unclipped rubber area.

Observing the OEMs, all four manufacturers are now using 3rd-window-closed designs as original equipment on most models. A few fully clipped snowmobile tracks can be found on performance snowmobile models able to achieve relatively high top speeds. I am sure their testing has shown that in most conditions, the 3rd-window-closed design performs the best, is lighter in weight and costs less to produce."

I disagree with their statement about never seeing any wear in the unclipped area. Check out the pic of the RipSaw on my Nytro.


So would I be crazy to cut out the windows on a studded track? Seems to me that steel slides across plastic hyfax much more easily than rubber. Camoplast offers tracks that are clipped every 3rd window so I don't see cutting my track to be an issue. What do you guys think? Anyone done it and had regrets? Seems that I'd be gaining the best of both worlds, lighter weight than fully clipped but with reduced friction over 3rd window closed. Here's a link to Camoplast http://www.camoplast.com/tracks/snowmobile_tracks/clipping.php
My main reasoning for wanting to cut out the windows is for racing in hard conditions when loose snow is not readily available. I think in these conditions, the 3rd window closed actually increases heat and hyfax wear rather than holding in snow like is commonly claimed.

I have an 08 Vectgor LTX GT and an 09 Nytro XTX, the Vector had every third window closed and I found the slides sticking last year so I installed anti-wear pads and no more problem. The XTX had all windows open but every third wasn't clipped so I had the dealer clip them before I rode the thing. Like you said hyfax slides much easier over metal than rubber. I would definately do something!
3rd window

I've cut all the windows out on my last three tracks never had a problem with them and seem to lube better. just use a utility knife with some spray lube. Be carefull to keep control of your knife. :Rockon:
I took a one inch holesaw to the closed windows on my 05 Vector track . I rode it 3 years and the holes remained round and intact. I didn't find that it eased slider wear either. It wasn't until I added extra and larger diameter idler wheels, that certainly helped with slider wear.
Awesome, thanks for the suggestions and the link!

I think closed window tracks are a prime example of something that works on the race track that doesn't work so well in the real world. What's kind of funny to me, now that snocross sleds use extrovert drivers, they don't use the 3rd window closed tracks. So I'm wondering why Camoplast is still selling them?

I also checked my hyfax and they're in need of replacement.
slp pads are my choice too,easier to install them than cutting your holes out with a knife,ive done both and was nervous with the knife,one slip and track bad,slp clips just drill holes and put pads
I just cut out my 3rd window out so I can install extrovert drivers, but I haven't install the driver yet and ran it this way for about 4 hundred miles and see no difference. And I was going to clip the the rest of the track, but I see that Camoplast offers a extrovert driven track with ever other bar clipped. So I think that it will be fine with out the clips.

What exactly are these slp pads? How many miles are you guys getting on your hyfax before and after installation?
