Added a Phazer MTX to the stable..


Lifetime Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Atlanta, MI
Got Tucker his first four stroke!!! Basically was a bone stock sled, still is, well except for a few cosmetic touches. First phazer mountain, anything to look at or check? Had an 07 Phazer before, it does have all factory updates done. Sled is in great shape with just over 2000 miles, about the only thing wrong is a few missing outer lugs. Before and after shots below.
What kind of use will it see? Mines setup as an all purpose sled a swapping out the Maverick track for the 1.5" Freeride did wonders for trail use, the Maverick lugs fold WAY too easy going down hills in powder or braking on hard stuff. Just engine braking alone caused the rear to get sideways with the Maverick until I trimmed the lugs to 1.5". Stock gearing is LOW if used in the flat lands. All the regular Phazer front end parts bolt up if you want a wider front on it. Look in my Signature for the extra wheels I added to the skid, went from 500 miles on a set of slides to 2000+ by adding those.
I have a highly modified Phazer, but the best modify (beside going turbo) with great benefits was giving it much toe out and modifying the upper ball joints so you can set a vast amount of camber. Both is an easy fix and makes the sled less darting and more stable.

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