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alarm system


Sep 25, 2003
Has anyone ever hooked up a snowmobile alarm to their sled ? I would only want to use it when my sled is parked outside my hotel at night. We krytonite lock our sleds together and figure when they go to cut the lock/cable off it would disturb the sled enough to set the alarm off before they even got through the cable/lock. It is the draw off the battery i am worried about during those extremely cold nights. Last year while in Quebec in Feb. there was a couple of tough starting mornings when it was like -40 out.

Thanks in advance of any advice/suggestions that anybody can add.

This was the unit i was thinking about purchasing.
http://www.amspecialtiesusa.com/snowmob ... _index.htm

I know some cat guys that change their hoods. They buy a F7 and put a F5 hood on it. Kind of funny to see the faces of dejected racers after they think they got beat by an F5.

Just lock up the sled with a cable. After seeing the cable, the bad guys will move on to an easier target. If they are sophisticated enough to cut through a krytonite lock, then installing an alarm might not help either.
I have a couple very small alarms that can be placed on, or in a snowmobile, and will go off if there is any movement, or load sound. I don't use it because if a car, or sled drove close, it would go off.
Go ahead and take my sled! That's why I pay a TON of $$$ for insurance. Make sure you take it in the spring or summer but don't F&^K up my riding season or I'll hunt you down like an animal :!: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That's a good idea SrxXtreem, It just so happens I still have my EDGE cover :lol: If I could make my RX 1 look like a Phazer I'd be safe too - right?
Last year I found an auto alarm at Sam's Club for around $25/ It was easy to install and worked just fine/ I mounted the speaker just under the handle bar rod/ but be careful that you don't interfear with the throttle cables/ if the speaker catches the cables the carbs will open up and you'll be in for a suprise when you start the sled/ it'll be full steam ahead/ later/ jim-bob
The best alarm system

Ha Ha yep the best alarm system is you buddy. always keep an eyes on it.
never stay the machine outside at night, a garage is best double lock.
Never put a machine in an open box or trailers, a closed trailer is best and nothing writed on it. double lock. a stealer is lasy... :wink:
that way they dont hurt the sled man ,if they take it they take it, thats is why we got insurance for .. pay all those big bills// hey if they want it bad enoff a alarm will not stop them..
look at cars that get stolen like bmw , porshe, ect ect they all have built in top of the line alarms and they still get stolen ..
it is so easy to steal a yamaha or a poo there the easyest ones to take less then 2 mins to jack it,,,
those alarms that only make noise what good are they
your better off to put somthing that will desable it ..
once started if no key it will shut down and cant be started again till you put the key in it... :roll:
I'm sure if this guy had asked for anti-theft opinions, your ramblings would be appreciated. However the poor guy asked a straight question if anyone knew if this alarm would drain the battery enough so that he'd have trouble starting after overnighting in -40F temps. Unfortunately we cannot all carry a garage with us on road trips and an enclosed trailer does nothing for insulating against the temp.

Instead a couple of you turned it into a chat room??

Got something valuable to add?

I am also curious if 4 mA draw overnight is enough to severely handicap the battery.

Please, only people that know, answer. No comedians.

There are alot of great motorcycle alarms out there with remote pagers and different types of sensors, These draw very little current and should have no impact on the battery.

Here is a link:


There is one for the R-1 motorcycle, Maybe the connectors are the same?
