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Anyone use ice ripper track?

had it on my 05 rx war and head to head with my brothers 04 war, it gave me just that bit more to get out in front of him and it did seem to grab better in the corners vs the ripsaw but i was riding them both to their limits at the time.
I have the Ice Attack xt on my Attak. I was running the stock track with 108 up the middle. The Ice Attack does not have the bite on launch like a studded track but it does have the braking grip that I need.
It also holds the slippery corners well. For all day fun trail riding this track is the best imo.

I had a Ripsaw 2 on my Attak for many seasons and feel it is the best trail track I have ever had on a sled.
The Ice Attak is very similar to a Rip Saw 2 except it has the ice studs so I figured it would be even better so I swapped out my 136” Ripsaw 2 for a 136” Ice Attak...for me a big mistake. The Ice Attak was chewing away at my rear heat exchanger on my Attak and really was not showing any performance benefit on the trails. Towards the end of last season I spent an afternoon removing every factory installed Ice stud from the Ice Attak track and now I am back to a sort of a Ripsaw 2
Wasted time and wasted Money for me.
I guess I can take the good with the bad in that ... I know it won't hook like a studded track , but I'm just so worried about studding a 4000 mile old track and throwing one threw the exchanger or something stupid 100 miles from the trailer ,I don't ride like an idiot but I get on er quite a bit , and working on cars sleds and everything in between for 20 years .. I know sh*t tends to break when you're pushing limits , why I lean towards the ice ripper , but I'm a good rider and unsure how much actual bennifit I can get from a $500 track when I just ride a little slower and achieve the same outcome , as u all know the ape with a 121 in stock form is a bit of a hand full under heavy throttle and braking
I ran an Ice-Ripper on my 07 with 129'' track for over 14,000 miles.
I thought it was THE BEST all around track for my riding style in my area of groomed trails for that sled.
It was as light as an un-studded Rip II.

BTW: When i put in a RIP II with 96 picks down the middle, it punctured my rear add-on heat exchanger the first day. That is why i went to the Ice-Ripper in the first place
I'm just so worried about studding a 4000 mile old track and throwing one threw the exchanger or something stupid 100 miles from the trailer

When I purchased my 08 Apex back in 2010, it had approx. 3000 miles on it and I did not hesitate studding that track. Of course, I did use the Stud Boy Super Lite backers; only mention that as I have yet to spit a stud with those backers unlike I used to do with the traditional stud, tall nut, and alum backer. I ended up putting over 10,000 additional miles on that track with the studs before replacing and never had an issue other than the track simply showing signs of normal wear and tear; plus I didn't feel comfortable taking a chance on another season or two on that track considering the total mileage it had.
I like Steiner said thought it was slightly better than NOSTUDS but not enough difference for me.
I am truly split I studded my Apex XTX but on 1.33 Cobra tracked Viper i did not. I did not think enough of the prestudded to purchase again.
on the 11 xtx i did consider a pre studded track as i was replacing it but cost kept me with the composit 1.5" lug.
I've never run one but have some questions. Could you stud an ice attack like a traditional track? Are they a 2 ply track or single ply? Has anyone ever done it and if so, how did it hold up?

I want all the grip, so I always traditional stud. I have studded lots of used tracks, and have never had an issue. If you install studs correctly and use good products, there shouldn't be an issue.
I've in stalled many of these tracks and everyone except the guy that wants to often drag race his buddies was happy.
1) Total track weight is about the same as a track with 96 studs.
2) Almost no worries about ever puncturing a heat exchanger if the track comes apart.
3) Less cost.
Again, it's not for everyone and they won't give as much traction as regular studs.
I guess I can take the good with the bad in that ... I know it won't hook like a studded track , but I'm just so worried about studding a 4000 mile old track and throwing one threw the exchanger or something stupid 100 miles from the trailer ,I don't ride like an idiot but I get on er quite a bit , and working on cars sleds and everything in between for 20 years .. I know sh*t tends to break when you're pushing limits , why I lean towards the ice ripper , but I'm a good rider and unsure how much actual bennifit I can get from a $500 track when I just ride a little slower and achieve the same outcome , as u all know the ape with a 121 in stock form is a bit of a hand full under heavy throttle and braking

Is your current track done and has to be replaced? If not and you are worried about traditional studs have you thought about iGrips on your current track? Not the same launch traction as studs but increases launch, braking and cornering capabilites.
I've in stalled many of these tracks and everyone except the guy that wants to often drag race his buddies was happy.
1) Total track weight is about the same as a track with 96 studs.
2) Almost no worries about ever puncturing a heat exchanger if the track comes apart.
3) Less cost.
Again, it's not for everyone and they won't give as much traction as regular studs.

They weigh the same as an UNSTUDDED track. I weighed them.
Don't forget, they are single ply
I've never run one but have some questions. Could you stud an ice attack like a traditional track? Are they a 2 ply track or single ply? Has anyone ever done it and if so, how did it hold up?

I want all the grip, so I always traditional stud. I have studded lots of used tracks, and have never had an issue. If you install studs correctly and use good products, there shouldn't be an issue.
The ice attack is a single ply track and i had it on 11 apex xtx, for just trail riding i thought it was a great track and if i wasn't into racing it would be enough, but I'm used to studding heavy and i put the hurricane 180hp kit on so i added 2 studs per bar and it hooked great, only down fall i saw was threads on side of track that i didn't like but never had any trouble with it just made me nervous.
Is your current track done and has to be replaced? If not and you are worried about traditional studs have you thought about iGrips on your current track? Not the same launch traction as studs but increases launch, braking and cornering capabilites.
No, the track is in decent condition . . Approx 5000 miles on it and cept for one or two torn lugs , looks great ! I'm just very skeptical about studs , I don't drive like an idiot spinning everywhere but as we all know , the ape needs more bite
Well I've taken the plunge and ordered studs ... It's the quickest cheapest route for me as I'm in the middle of buying and selling my house ...I need quick and easy ,I got 144 extreme max 1.40 studs with round backers n nuts for $175 ! Thought that was a good deal , also purchased 48 super lite pro double backers to run a 4,2,4,2 pattern..
