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apex gt availability

The dealer had to place his or her initial order weeks ago, In that order they had to specify the number of sleds in each model they wanted.

The number of GT's that were ordered at that time cannot be changed. The numbers of all other models can be altered somewhat.

That is why dealers are now running out of allocation on the GT's.

Mine is all locked in

The word i got from my dealer was they will fill all spring orders but thats it. Dealers can adjust there orders 20% meaning a dealer that orders five sleds can get 4 or 6 if he needs to change his order. He did say that the GT will be tough to find this fall unless they ordered extra's
Glad mine was ordered last week,will have it in sept. if dealer is correct... :tg:
come on now guys, dont you remember all the crap last year about mach z's and how they would only be building so many, and then they do another production run. limited built my butt, those sleds are not hard to get now are they? this is the same thing, only yamahas version of it, its called marketing. :ORC
There is no limited supply, they just say that so everyone gets to the dealer and orders thinking that they might not get one if they don't get to the dealer soon.
150 Fuelie said:
I posed this question to a Yamaha rep that frequents this site and he said they would build as many as were needed to fill all spring orders.
You win the prize!! A little bird told me the following so it's got to be true:

The little "Gotcha" here is the dealer had to have his GT orders in a few weeks ago. If the dealer is optimistic and orders up a bunch a person should have no trouble getting one. The dealer cannot increase his order for GT's later.

Except in Canada, those dealers have different rules.
impalapower said:
There is no limited supply, they just say that so everyone gets to the dealer and orders thinking that they might not get one if they don't get to the dealer soon.

Then the dealers I talked with must not want to sell GT's. Why would a dealer say they can't get one? Does that make sense to anyone?
This info is what I got last Sunday from one of the top guys.
(Steve it is the guy who gave us the presentation using his laptop at our demo ride)

They will build all GTs that were ordered by March (7th I think)

They can adjust + or - 20% (pretty sure this statement included the GT)

Canada is different.

Not a marketing ploy, Ohlin's is not set up for mass production and they need the extra lead time.

Some dealers, particularly if they dont watch this site did not order any extra. Dealers who know its hot may have ordered extra and may
a. allocate one of the orders to you
b. hoard them until nearer the season and sell them at list price

Many dealers may not realize that Yamaha is going to go from 10% market share to 14-17%. A midwest sales manager and a salesman both said that Yamaha could be sold out (all the 4 cylinders)by mid Jan. The wild card being that the other 3 manufacturers have a ton of unsold 05 sleds
new sleds

i baught my gt today and the dealer said he was only going to get the ones he ordered and that other dealers were sorry they didn' order more and were trying to buy his phil :ORC
My dealer in Central NY said that they each get 2 GT's. He already sold his two, so he said the only option was for him to work out a deal/trade 06 allocations with another dealer in the network.

He stated the reason for the limited supply was due to the Electronic Ohlin availability.

So, if this is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, I would suggest that anyone interested in buying the electronic ohlin from the accessory catalog do so now. I'm sure they will be sold out in the Fall, even at the $1000 price tag!
There are five GT's ordered in our group that we are going to cancel. Let me know and I will arange for you to take our place in line.
I agree with Tork. I was at the show in Milwaukee and was talking to the sales rep from Yamaha. He stated that the GTs are basicly sold out for the year and that is due to Ohlins shocks. He said that they would be able to cover all orders that were ordered on time but none that were ordered late. He also stated the the 150FIs are going to be tough to get due to the allocated amount. Some dealeres might have a few extra but they wiil be few and far between. He said that if you want to gaurnety one order now. The reason why I asked was that I am looking to get rid of my 1998 SRX and pay off my Vector I would use this sled as a back up of a visitor sled and get an ATTACK but the sales rep sQUASHED MY BUBBLE and said you might be to late.

Loomy58 :yam: :4STroke:
i don't think there is going to be much of a limit of gts b/c everytime i check on this site it seems that atleast 2 more people have ordered 1. and plus there is all the people that don't go on this site that ordered one too. i had no problem getting one here in "the real" northern ny.
