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apex gt availability

Scooby, those are some good miles. I'd like to know how many miles the guy who made the magazines 10k first year and 12k the second year. The engine will outlast the chassis without a doubt.
Impalapower we have one 05 RX1 with 11,090.

Not included in the 80,000 plus is a 04 warrior with 22,953 and has been very trouble free except wear type items.

Many of our miles are with saddle bags. It seems that the lighter riders with soft suspension set ups have had the most broblems. Example my wife at 38 and 110 lbs has 6000 plus miles on her's and had the most problems.
Scooby said:

Collectively we have nine 05 RX1 sleds in our group with a combined mileage greater than 80,000 miles. Some of the guys maybe old But I know they can and do ride with the best.

I'm NOT the one calling anybody old. Being 22 years old my punk kid sense of humor is not the best. :( :( I edited my post already and I think
by anybodys standards, it is a lot better :D

Nice input, it is helpful

In retrospect, I think yamaha was anxious to get a comfortable skid into production for 05 and rushed it through. The 06 sleds will be a lot better.
The 05 sleds will have a nice fix by next fall
The 06's are very sweet!!!!

From what we have seen they still haven't addressed the problems. How can we buy the 06's and feel comfortable? Yahaha just says we just should expect a certain amount of wear item fairures in the miles we drive.

The 04 warriors were trouble free and had simular miles!!! The motor in the warrior with 22,953 is still very strong and so is the suspension and frame. No oil useage either.
Oh yeah scooby, the motors are going to last a long time with just a few exceptions. The 06 sleds you saw, they had the rail reinforcements and the bigger bump stops didnt they?

They are still trying to nail down the 06 production models, so you may see even more when the arrive in the fall. I am confident enough that I ordered one. It is really neat that you guys get on so many miles. I was geared up to do the same, but I took a U turn and adopted some kids. The bad part is less miles, but a lot of it is quite fun :shock: :o|

You know if you adopted kids, you would not be having suspension problems to this extent. :D
Tork, I am 52 and retired military. This past year I remarried and we have two near teen boys.

Wife two kids and a morgage and I am thinking about getting a job. :o|

1.Has Yamaha fixed your suspension problems under warranty?

2.Have there been any other problems with ANY of the other RX-1s?

3.What about the Polaris can you tell us that will make it the better choice? Engine, handeling, performance, suspension, durability, and overall technology?

Thanks for your report...BBY

1. Yamaha has only warrantied some of the problems and says we should expect the rest to be wear and tear items.

2. All 9 05 RX1's had rail and W arm breakage at least once. Most were on bagger trips and were welded. That made them non warranty.

3. Our group had 2 05 800XP's and 2 Fussions that went over 8,000 miles with out problems. The 2 05' Z"s also went 8,000 miles without major problems (after the first 1,000 miles).

We are looking at Polaris for durability and suspension. We trade every year and would like to get up to 10,000 miles with minimum problems. Who needs a 50,000 mile engine when the suspension falls apart at 2,000.
