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Apex Vibration

blackGt said:
Reaper said:
Mine were the inner drivers were bent, weird how plastic can bend thought it would break first. Dealer ran it up in a lathe and it almost jumped out ! Shaft was fine just had to replace the inner drivers.

Hey Reaper, you said the drivers were bent? What type of vibration were you feeling for that? I'll tell my dealer what to look for.

vibration is in the foot rests and bars that starts at about 70 mph, peaks at 80 mph and disappears at about 90 mph. I will take pics of the damaged drivers and post when I get them back.

Well, still not fixed driver change did zippo ! When I looked at the drivers they were out so slightly I was skeptical. I thing it is in the secondary or jack shaft, going to try another secondary tommorrow, stay tuned !
RTXRay said:
Mine was more noticeable in soft snow conditions. It felt like the machine was coming apart.

That is real interesting as I experienced the same in soft snow it got much worse in the fresh snow !
Reaper said:
RTXRay said:
Mine was more noticeable in soft snow conditions. It felt like the machine was coming apart.

That is real interesting as I experienced the same in soft snow it got much worse in the fresh snow !
Ok jus one question,when your dealer had your driveshaft out,did he replace the bearing on the speedo side?? if not it could be as simple as that bearing gone bad,it is the dry side,and i have had to replace them before on my 03 check it out.
Reaper said:
Nope, did not replace bearing
How many miles on it? if you have over 1,000 it could be defective and still feel free,but under a load vibrate.
Did you try a different belt? My buddies vector had a vibration & it was a flat spot on the belt from burning it when loading onto a trailer. A new belt fixed the problem
RTX Meirda said:
I noticed some vibration that I have not noticed before during my last ride.

Seems to start at 60mph.

Not sure what it is yet.

It is tolerable....but not as smooth as it used to be.

I had my sled out this weekend...the vibration seems to be gone......maybe it was conditions?
Solved the problem, turned out to be the helix from the Proline clutch kit. I do not have the spec on the bushing but appears the bushing in the Daltom helix is worn or the helix is out of balance, lasted about 1200 miles not very good quality bushing, will have to talk to Proline & Dalton !
Well, finally fixed it. the inner bushing on the secondary was also worn out ! It is smooth now !
