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Battery sparks when disconnecting

Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Alpine Turbo Viper
my battery terminal sparks (negative ) when disconnecting meaning there is a draw somewhere. I have let the sled sit for months and the battery still has more than enough life to start the sled without boosting. Any ideas?
That is odd. I will have to try that myself. Try a test light in between Neg post and Cable. Maybe there is a capacitor somewhere in system that is triggered when negative is removed. Would be only thing to account for batt not being discharged.
Probably a slight memory draw. You can also get small draws between wires in connectors due to corrosion so it's always a good idea to check and treat them with a anti corrosion dielectric compound. Capacitors do have lose which is dependent on it's type and size so over time a cap would also discharge a battery. When I get a chance I'll look at the schematic to see what all remains powered with the key and kill switch off.

*During long storage periods it's also good practice to disconnect the negative terminal.
Also one thing to keep in mind on the Viper/7000, is to make sure that the key is off and not just shut down using the handle bar kill switch.
If you shut the sled down with the handle bar kill switch the gauge will power down like everything is off. However if the key is still on, there is a relay in the sled that is still energized and it will create a 20 milliamp draw and drain the battery after several days.
Doesn't the tail light and display stay on with the key on and kill switch pressed?
Key is off. Can't be anything major if I'm 2 months the battery isn't dead
