My track blew today on my 07 Apex RTX with 1500 miles. It has 144 studs up the middle and it seem to tear along the studs.
I've never had a track let go like this. It also took out my front heat exchanger. The track is the stock 1.25 ripsaw.
Anyone else have the stock track let go so prematurely. I don't think the warrantee is going to cover the track. I hope they cover the heat exchanger.
I did buy it as a leftover last spring.
Any recomendations on a track replacement and stud pattern
I've never had a track let go like this. It also took out my front heat exchanger. The track is the stock 1.25 ripsaw.
Anyone else have the stock track let go so prematurely. I don't think the warrantee is going to cover the track. I hope they cover the heat exchanger.
I did buy it as a leftover last spring.
Any recomendations on a track replacement and stud pattern
Aaron Eh
It happened twice to my buddy's Apex. Dealer took care of him though.
TY 4 Stroke Master
I'm running a Cobra with no studs, and loving it for everything but bare ice (which I don't often see). Much more traction everywhere compared to Ripsaw. If I felt the need for studs (lake racing?), I'd go with a 1" track, likely a Predator.
VIP Member
Go with the harder compound based predator series track for runnign studs, the rip saw is a softer compound and i have seen studs rip out of them before.