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buying a used sidewinder

I just use the 50/50 yellow stuff that is good for aluminum. Should be fine.

Also, look up the mod to drill out the rivets on the RHS panel so you can remove it for oil changes. Makes things lots easier. Replace rivets with rivnuts and use bolts to hold it on. Makes things really easy.
ok i hear ya on the antifreeze thanks! i seen those riv nuts, me personally iv never had luck with them lasting, seem to strip or spin over time
didn't get as much seat time on the sled as would of liked, lack of snow n time but got enuff in to know i want to tune it before next season, could anyone assist in a list of things i need to make it a one n done situation,lookin for reliability snd clutching recommendations, i have poked around a bit a read quite a bit on here and this is what i have come up with, td power trail 275 OR td max spool 17, turbo smart bov, map sensor if went with max spool,td intimidaor 3 in muffler, 35 degree helix,dalton weights and a primary and secondary spring (not sure wich ones) and a thunder products 911 cover, can anyone who is experienced in this area let me onow if im on the rite trac, thanks
so i ended up going with tdmax pump 17,3 in intimidator muffler, ts bov and have a question regarding clutching, the dalton weights i put in with the largest slug is 79 grams, tge stock weight was 70 grams, does this sound correct for sumone whos mabe allready bin down this road?i also put a dalton 35 helix bk/gn dalton primary sping and a ybo secondary spring wraped 6-2 any thoughts on this set up? weight a little heavy?


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Depending on belt used, sounds like you are in the ballpark.
Depending on belt used, sounds like you are in the ballpark.
allright, appreciate the feedback !belt used is an ultimax xs
No way!

I'm using Quaker State 5-30 Ultimate Durability full synthetic. Rated right up there with the best performing oils on 540Rat blog for best wear protection. The dudes done the work and ranks the oils for wear protection. Good reading on his blog! Certain Amsoil oils are right up there too, but not all.

Mr.knapp or anyone using qs ultimate durability oil... have u noticed bottles no longe say "ultimate durability " on front? iv bin havin a hard time to find some this year, parts joint was tellin me its the same.. so i called the number on back of the bottle to confirm and he told me also it is the same,said they quit puttin ultimate durability on 2 years ago?


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Mr.knapp or anyone using qs ultimate durability oil... have u noticed bottles no longe say "ultimate durability " on front? iv bin havin a hard time to find some this year, parts joint was tellin me its the same.. so i called the number on back of the bottle to confirm and he told me also it is the same,said they quit puttin ultimate durability on 2 years ago?

Its just marketing. All that matters is the chemistry.
Mr.knapp or anyone using qs ultimate durability oil... have u noticed bottles no longe say "ultimate durability " on front? iv bin havin a hard time to find some this year, parts joint was tellin me its the same.. so i called the number on back of the bottle to confirm and he told me also it is the same,said they quit puttin ultimate durability on 2 years ago?

Yes, the new QS 5-30 Full Synthetic is the new king of oils, #1 on the Rat 540 Blog. It actually exceeds the old Ultimate Durability by quite a margin on Rat540 testing machine for wear protection. It is supposed to be the very best at wear prevention of ANY of the oils on the market at least when new the way he test it.

I've been using it everything that needs a 30 weight oil including the 998's. Even switch some our vehicles to it that call for 0-20 and 5-20. Thought I'd see a full mileage decrease in them but we haven't. Still using 0-40 Mobile 1 in our Euro Audis however as its a highly rated 40 weight.

From the RAT 540 Blog.......

The “WEAR PROTECTION RANKING LIST itself, begins here:

1. 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” (abbreviated QSFS), dexos 1 Gen 2, ILSAC GF-6A, API SP = 152,674 psi
And that psi value sets a WHOPPING NEW ALL-TIME RECORD for motor oils that I have put through my Engineering Torture Test on motor oil. It was tested in Spring 2021.
This new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” motor oil replaces the previous 5W30 Quaker State “Ultimate Durability” (abbreviated QSUD) synthetic.
zinc = 905
phos = 764
moly = 176
The psi value of this new oil, which came from testing it at the normal operating test temperature of 230*F, put it in the SPECTACULAR Wear Protection Category. However, I went on to also test this oil at the much higher temperature of 275*F. At that elevated temperature, most hotter and thinner oils typically experience a drop in Wear Protection Capability. But, even at that elevated temperature, this oil produced an extremely impressive 148,133 psi, which was only a small 3% drop in capability. And that value put this much hotter and thinner oil in the AMAZING Wear Protection Category.

I also tested this oil to find out its onset of thermal breakdown, which was 290*F.

This new oil was purchased at Walmart. And its truly amazing performance is further proof that Walmart is selling legitimate motor oil, even though their prices are extremely low compared to typical Auto Parts Stores.

Many of us who have been devoted users of the previous Quaker State “Ultimate Durability” motor oil, were concerned that Quaker State’s Corporate bean counters might get their hands on this new Quaker State “Full Synthetic” oil, and cut costs that would ruin the oil. Fortunately, as it turned out, that did not happen. And in fact, now this latest new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” motor oil, is BY FAR, the BEST PERFORMING motor oil that I have ever tested. This is absolute proof that Quaker State REALLY knows how to formulate motor oil.

This new “Full Synthetic” motor oil has set the bar so high, that it is the oil I will be using in my own vehicles from stock to High Performance, from now on. And it is the motor oil that I will recommend to my Blog readers for most water cooled, gasoline powered engines, that can use 5W30. This is especially THE “go to” motor oil for traditional flat tappet engines to provide the utmost in protection against wiped cam lobes.

Never say never, but it is hard to imagine another motor oil ever producing numbers this amazing.

Here is a back to back comparison of the new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” and the old 5W30 Quaker State “Ultimate Durability”.

NOTE: The Higher the psi value, the Better the wear protection capability. And the Higher the onset of thermal breakdown value, the Higher the oil temperature can reach before the oil begins to deteriorate due to heat.

QSFS at 230*F = 152,674 psi
QSFS at 275*F = 148,133 psi
QSFS onset of thermal breakdown = 290*F

QSUD at 230*F = 133,125 psi
QSUD at 275*F = 115,764 psi
QSUD onset of thermal breakdown = 275*F

The only possible concern about this amazing new 5W30 Quaker State Full Synthetic motor oil, was that it might be “too good” for use in wet clutch motorcycles. But, motorcycle Owner feedback in July 2021, proved that this amazing new motor oil works just fine in wet clutch motorcycles, meaning there was no clutch slipping at all. Of course that applies to wet clutch motorcycles with clutches that are in good condition.
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Yes, the new QS 5-30 Full Synthetic is the new king of oils, #1 on the Rat 540 Blog. It actually exceeds the old Ultimate Durability by quite a margin on Rat540 testing machine for wear protection. It is supposed to be the very best at wear prevention of ANY of the oils on the market at least when new the way he test it.

I've been using it everything that needs a 30 weight oil including the 998's. Even switch some our vehicles to it that call for 0-20 and 5-20. Thought I'd see a full mileage decrease in them but we haven't. Still using 0-40 Mobile 1 in our Euro Audis however as its a highly rated 40 weight.

From the RAT 540 Blog.......

The “WEAR PROTECTION RANKING LIST itself, begins here:

1. 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” (abbreviated QSFS), dexos 1 Gen 2, ILSAC GF-6A, API SP = 152,674 psi
And that psi value sets a WHOPPING NEW ALL-TIME RECORD for motor oils that I have put through my Engineering Torture Test on motor oil. It was tested in Spring 2021.
This new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” motor oil replaces the previous 5W30 Quaker State “Ultimate Durability” (abbreviated QSUD) synthetic.
zinc = 905
phos = 764
moly = 176
The psi value of this new oil, which came from testing it at the normal operating test temperature of 230*F, put it in the SPECTACULAR Wear Protection Category. However, I went on to also test this oil at the much higher temperature of 275*F. At that elevated temperature, most hotter and thinner oils typically experience a drop in Wear Protection Capability. But, even at that elevated temperature, this oil produced an extremely impressive 148,133 psi, which was only a small 3% drop in capability. And that value put this much hotter and thinner oil in the AMAZING Wear Protection Category.

I also tested this oil to find out its onset of thermal breakdown, which was 290*F.

This new oil was purchased at Walmart. And its truly amazing performance is further proof that Walmart is selling legitimate motor oil, even though their prices are extremely low compared to typical Auto Parts Stores.

Many of us who have been devoted users of the previous Quaker State “Ultimate Durability” motor oil, were concerned that Quaker State’s Corporate bean counters might get their hands on this new Quaker State “Full Synthetic” oil, and cut costs that would ruin the oil. Fortunately, as it turned out, that did not happen. And in fact, now this latest new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” motor oil, is BY FAR, the BEST PERFORMING motor oil that I have ever tested. This is absolute proof that Quaker State REALLY knows how to formulate motor oil.

This new “Full Synthetic” motor oil has set the bar so high, that it is the oil I will be using in my own vehicles from stock to High Performance, from now on. And it is the motor oil that I will recommend to my Blog readers for most water cooled, gasoline powered engines, that can use 5W30. This is especially THE “go to” motor oil for traditional flat tappet engines to provide the utmost in protection against wiped cam lobes.

Never say never, but it is hard to imagine another motor oil ever producing numbers this amazing.

Here is a back to back comparison of the new 5W30 Quaker State “Full Synthetic” and the old 5W30 Quaker State “Ultimate Durability”.

NOTE: The Higher the psi value, the Better the wear protection capability. And the Higher the onset of thermal breakdown value, the Higher the oil temperature can reach before the oil begins to deteriorate due to heat.

QSFS at 230*F = 152,674 psi
QSFS at 275*F = 148,133 psi
QSFS onset of thermal breakdown = 290*F

QSUD at 230*F = 133,125 psi
QSUD at 275*F = 115,764 psi
QSUD onset of thermal breakdown = 275*F

The only possible concern about this amazing new 5W30 Quaker State Full Synthetic motor oil, was that it might be “too good” for use in wet clutch motorcycles. But, motorcycle Owner feedback in July 2021, proved that this amazing new motor oil works just fine in wet clutch motorcycles, meaning there was no clutch slipping at all. Of course that applies to wet clutch motorcycles with clutches that are in good condition.
wow! good to know! detailed research, bin usin mobile 1 in my pick up since new cause thats what dealer stocks , makes me want to switch it over........
wow! good to know! detailed research, bin usin mobile 1 in my pick up since new cause thats what dealer stocks , makes me want to switch it over........

If you believe his testing, which seems fine on new oil, but read the blog further and you'll see where some oils including QSUD oil with 5000 miles on it seized his testing machine up with zero pressure on it. So I question if it really matters, because the oil is not new for long. And most of the time oil gets better with miles on it till it reaches a certain point when it starts to loose its additive package and goes downhill after that.

IMO he's a bit full of himself. Its great the oil testing he does, but its only good for testing pressure on the oil when new right out of the bottle. There is more to oil than meets the eye. Like how it performs over time with TBN levels and actual levels of metal in the used oil sample. I've seen the insides of engines all coked and gummed up, and some perfectly clean with many hours on them, his testing does not look into that, and he thinks he's the only one that knows a thing about oils. His testing started because of wiping cam lobes, and I've experienced that firsthand, so his testing does help with wiped cam lobes.

Mobile 1 ranks high and is typically my go to, but I'm giving this Quaker State 5-30 full-synthetic a try, one thing thats funny is the same Quaker State 5-40 is not much to write home about on the same blog. Mobile 1 seems to be a pretty good oil across the varying weights of oil they have.
If you believe his testing, which seems fine on new oil, but read the blog further and you'll see where some oils including QSUD oil with 5000 miles on it seized his testing machine up with zero pressure on it. So I question if it really matters, because the oil is not new for long. And most of the time oil gets better with miles on it till it reaches a certain point when it starts to loose its additive package and goes downhill after that.

IMO he's a bit full of himself. Its great the oil testing he does, but its only good for testing pressure on the oil when new right out of the bottle. There is more to oil than meets the eye. Like how it performs over time with TBN levels and actual levels of metal in the used oil sample. I've seen the insides of engines all coked and gummed up, and some perfectly clean with many hours on them, his testing does not look into that, and he thinks he's the only one that knows a thing about oils. His testing started because of wiping cam lobes, and I've experienced that firsthand, so his testing does help with wiped cam lobes.

Mobile 1 ranks high and is typically my go to, but I'm giving this Quaker State 5-30 full-synthetic a try, one thing thats funny is the same Quaker State 5-40 is not much to write home about on the same blog. Mobile 1 seems to be a pretty good oil across the varying weights of oil they have.
forsure, i allways ran rotella t diesel oil in a bbc nova i had for that reason of wipin cam lobes i believe it had iron or zinc or sumthin in it that gas engine oils did not...but yes read it all and i am gonna stay with it ,added bonus is ladt year the ultimate durability i got at wall mart in ontario canada, yesterday got it at a meighrs in toledo ohio on sale for 22$ usa funds 5 qt cant beat it
If you believe his testing, which seems fine on new oil, but read the blog further and you'll see where some oils including QSUD oil with 5000 miles on it seized his testing machine up with zero pressure on it. So I question if it really matters, because the oil is not new for long. And most of the time oil gets better with miles on it till it reaches a certain point when it starts to loose its additive package and goes downhill after that.

IMO he's a bit full of himself. Its great the oil testing he does, but its only good for testing pressure on the oil when new right out of the bottle. There is more to oil than meets the eye. Like how it performs over time with TBN levels and actual levels of metal in the used oil sample. I've seen the insides of engines all coked and gummed up, and some perfectly clean with many hours on them, his testing does not look into that, and he thinks he's the only one that knows a thing about oils. His testing started because of wiping cam lobes, and I've experienced that firsthand, so his testing does help with wiped cam lobes.

Mobile 1 ranks high and is typically my go to, but I'm giving this Quaker State 5-30 full-synthetic a try, one thing thats funny is the same Quaker State 5-40 is not much to write home about on the same blog. Mobile 1 seems to be a pretty good oil across the varying weights of oil they have.
I agree with your statements. He is rather condescending allot of the time and assumes he is the only one that knows oil (BIG ego). That said, I think there is validity to his testing methods qualified by his testing machine is apparently unique to him.
For me, the bottom line is use oils that consistently rank in the top 20 or so and I think you'll be fine. Some brands consistently have multiple oils in the top 10-15. Personally, I have been using Signature Series Amsoil 0W-30 for years. Last time I read his blog, Amsoil had 4 oils in the top 10, including 2 different 5W-30, 10-50, 0-20.
Certainly not trying to start another oil thread! Just wanted to comment on that blog.
I agree with your statements. He is rather condescending allot of the time and assumes he is the only one that knows oil (BIG ego). That said, I think there is validity to his testing methods qualified by his testing machine is apparently unique to him.
For me, the bottom line is use oils that consistently rank in the top 20 or so and I think you'll be fine. Some brands consistently have multiple oils in the top 10-15. Personally, I have been using Signature Series Amsoil 0W-30 for years. Last time I read his blog, Amsoil had 4 oils in the top 10, including 2 different 5W-30, 10-50, 0-20.
Certainly not trying to start another oil thread! Just wanted to comment on that blog.

So true. After seeing his data on the used oil it makes me wonder though. A previous #1 oil seizes his machine up on oil that has only 5000 miles on it. Hmmmm.... You'd think he would question that more and start doing more testing on oils that have some time on them.

Wouldn't that make him think? I typed up a response to question it and ask some questions, but couldn't submit it a you have to have a Facebook, which I dont have. To me it would seem you'd want an oil that stands up over time too. I'd like to know which oil is the best overall average myself.
