Cam chain tensioner work

My was done the 1st week in Oct., under the extended warranty. The sled had 4560 miles on it,'06 Nytro.
I am not. How many people have actually had one go down and lose and engine? I want to hear about those sleds.
I'm not either.....This is my last year with the girl hopefully it'll make it thorough unscathed and I'll sell it next season and let the new owner worry about whether or not it's going to blow....I'm sure the used value has took a hit because of this..
Mine are done, got them home Dec.4th. I just talked nice to the dealer about reliability, etc. and asked him to check what he could do for me as my warrenty ran out a couple years ago. He called and said bring them in as he and Yamaha would cover it. Made my day.
Yamaha told me NO. My dealer changed it at no charge to me. Good dealers are doing this. The part cost them only 80.00.
I am not on my 20004 vector 3800 miles i did my donats and they were perfect when I took it apart .STEVE
