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Can't get above 9200RPM


Dec 12, 2003
Mexico, New York
Went riding this weekend on Tug Hill. Conditions were not great. My sled ran well for the first 10 or 15 miles. Then I started having a problem getting it to go over 9200 rpm's. It would run great until 9200 then flatten right out. Like it was starving for fuel or air. Sounded like an old cow blatting.It would not gain or lose rpm's no matter how long I held it wide open.Before this problem it was running right up to 10400 rpm's. Changed plugs ,pulled ecp filters off and checked. Did not see anything. Going to pull carbs and check.Any ideas. I have the evac kit on as well. Clutching is BBY stage 2 .
Thanks, Larry

Check your spark plug boots to make sure they are not shorting. Clean them and put some di-electric grease inside where they connect to the spark plugs.
Every time I stop for the night I drain mine and am always amazed how much water comes out.
I think the problem is the ECP kit. I bet if you take that thing off it will run better. Obviously the pre-filters don't do their job.
Thunder Lips,
Many people have run considerable trouble-free miles with the ECP kit. I know you posted that you saw no gain when you installed them. You are one in a thousand - - - everyone else has seen excellent results. I doubt the filters/pre-filters are the problem here. I'm sure we will hear what the real cause is in due time. In the meantime, let's all continue to play nice and be helpful.

mine did the same thing when i modded the air fillter i turned out that the center to center had pulled closer to gether. hence allways in to high of gear no rpm
i know what sound you mean...if you start to suck snow in the k&n's it'll run like crap over 9000rpms (you pin it and it slows down and makes an angry noise :( ) but as it thaws it will run better...maybe the cv carb slides are freezing up??...had probs with this tonight, but i was plowing through a couple feet of powder...it was packed full under the hood...i'm going to block off the front hood vents and give that a try tomorrow...btw, my snowblower does the same thing!!
Can't get above 9200 rpm

Well I called Freddy and talked to him before I took anything apart. What a great guy and willing to take the time to try and help. Anyways I pulled the rack of carbs off to check and clean all the jets. Opened the 2nd carb in on the mag side and guess what ? Lying in the float bowl was the 165 main jet. I screwed it back in. Must of just loosened up and dropped out. I have to blame myself as I installed the ECP kit last year. And it ran good last year. I have not had a chance to start it because as I was cleaning one of the power jets I fatfingered it and it fell into the bottom of the belly pan ,found it and dropped it again ,could not find it this time. Went to Yami dealer but had to order. Also because I have the sled on the falls to install a new track as I destroyed mine riding rocks last weekend on the hill. It should be back together and ready to go by Sunday. The new Boss seat is still a little hard after 120 miles but is getting softer and I love the higher position. One last goody almost installed during the downtime as well. Larry
Well, well, well. It wasn't the ECP kit after all. Why is so many people are ready to point the finger at the kits. Great to hear you found the problem. What are the other goodies you mentioned. Looking forward to riding with you at the end of the month, if you have snow.
Re: Can't get above 9200 rpm

RX136 said:
I have not had a chance to start it because as I was cleaning one of the power jets I fatfingered it and it fell into the bottom of the belly pan ,found it and dropped it again ,could not find it this time. Went to Yami dealer but had to order. Larry

Powerjets??? RX1's don't have powerjets. Unless of course you installed aftermarket powerjet kits?

Glad to hear you figured the problem out though.
Can't get above 9200 rpm

That's what the Yammi shop called it. It is part #28 in the Yamaha parts finder, Power Jet #75. It is right behind the 165 main jet. Looks like the main jet. My repair manual calls it a starter jet. Anyway Yamaha says a January 27th ship date. Help anyone got one.
Thanks, Larry
Thanks for the call on the telephone today Larry. I was thinking of an external power jet style like we see on the Lectron Carburetors that I distribute or something along those lines. These actually are "intermediate jets" by right. Either way, you need them!

