sled shuts off

I have the same secondary, with green spring, is it worth changing it to the new dalton, you notice the difference?
yea 0-9-0 up dwn retard spike, i just got back from a run of 100klm and when im at a sharp dwn hill on trail sled stumbles as if out of gas guage shows 1/3 tank or less, i have the return .... its ok on level but sudden stops or turns causes a stumble.

9 seconds long? or .9 long?

Are you zooming in enough on the log for that area? Can you post a pic of the log or PM it to me?
No it just spikes to 9 deg retard then back to zero in fraction of second
Soo i took everything out of tank, replace the hose from top of pump to lid with fuel injection rubber none corrigated hose, put pump right to bottom of banana ,made sure all clamps on hoses were tight, pulled pick up feet out and fuel level sensor out ..soo i could make sure pick up feet are sitting flat. went riding yesterday for 100klm and found that riding very agressive into a corner and hitting brakes hard the sled would stumble uppon re applying throttle for a split secound or two.... whats causing this? its not the safety switch in throttle, feels like its fuel related or timing retarded.
I’d look at the throttle cable routing

I zip tied mine when installing an accessory cord cause it seemed like a good idea. I had the exact same stumble happening a couple times till I freed up the throttle cable
I’d look at the throttle cable routing

I zip tied mine when installing an accessory cord cause it seemed like a good idea. I had the exact same stumble happening a couple times till I freed up the throttle cable
mine is completely free routed and i also loosened it up a bit soo cable had a small amount of free play. still stumbles on hard braking and cornering.
